This book provides an historical, critical analysis of the doctrine of ‚civilising mission‘ in Portuguese colonialism in the crucial period from 1870 to 1930. Exploring international contexts and transnational connections, this ‚civilising mission‘ is analysed and assessed by examining the employment and distribution of African manpower.
PART I: THE ‚CIVILISATION GUILD‘: NATIVE LABOUR AND PORTUGUESE COLONIALISM 1. Between Benevolence and Inevitability: The ‚Civilising Mission‘ of Portuguese Colonialism 2. The Civilisation Guild and the ‚Engineers of Depression‘: The Case of the S. Thomé Cocoa 3. ‚Redemptive Labour‘ and the Missionaries of the Alphabet PART II: COLONIALISM WITHOUT BORDERS 4. Bibles, Flags and Transnational Loyalties: Educating Empires 5. New Methods, Old Conclusions: The Ross Report Conclusion
Über den Autor
Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo is Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal. His interests focus on the Comparative Histories of Imperialism and Colonialism. He recently published
A diplomacia do império and edited
O império colonial em questão (both in 2012), and co-edited
Portugal e o fim do colonialismo (2014) and
The Ends of European Colonial Empires: Cases and Comparisons (2015).