MIKE GOODMAN is a professional gambler, rated as one of the two or three top men in the gambling industry. He is married, has three children, two in college, and owns a beautiful home in Las Vegas. He is an executive in one of the largest gambling casinos in the world in Las Vegas.Mike is friendly, easy-to-like, and fascinating to talk to, especially when relating his many experiences in and out of Las Vegas. He was born in Rochester, New York, and started to gamble at the age of eight while selling papers after school. When other boys were playing with toy automobiles and boats, Mike was playing with dice and cards. When only sixteen, he ran a crap table and started dealing 21.He learned his A-B-C“s of big-time gambling from three of the smartest men in the profession. Two are now deceased. One owned a plush gambling club and taught him the inside of club operation and the pitfalls. The other two taught him the methods cheaters use to beat a club and how to protect himself from such hazards. Mike proved to be an apt student. Wherever big money was at stake, whenever real trouble was brewing, the call went out for Mike Goodman. He also proved to be one of the most competent teachers in the country.Before taking his marriage vows and settling down, Mike was constantly on the move. As gambler and house-man he worked in the biggest clubs on the East Coast-New York, Saratoga, New Jersey, Washington, Hot Springs and Florida. He also worked many small hit-and-run clubs as well as the largest cash money banking games ever known.
1 Ebooks von Mike Goodman
Mike Goodman: How to Win 21 & Poker, Dice, Races, Roulette
THE ONE IMPORTANT THING TO KNOW ABOUT GAMBLING is that there is no guaranteed way to win all the time. But there is a guaranteed way to lose constantly, and that is when you don’t understand the basi …