Jesus said we could do big things if we only had faith the size of a mustard seed. A pile of dirt can be moved with one pass of a dozer. The same pile can be moved with a shovel . . . it just takes longer.
Jesus faith was like a dozer ours more like a shovel. Too often we give up on the things we pray for because they dont happen quickly. You can have miraculous faith, just as Jesus said . . . if youre willing to take it one shovel at a time.
There is also personal faith. God has told us that he loves us for example. Satan tells us that he doesnt that its conditional. It can be believable at times. God is pleased when we can hold to what he told us. It is a process. I call it, The Fight of Faith.
Über den Autor
After 30 years of Christianity, my efforts to align myself with the requirements of the Bible and the expectations of the church I attended had not produced in me the life that I believed I should have. I decided to start over.
I started at the beginning in Genesis. Believing that I was embarking on a journey on which I would discover what I had missed, I decided to keep a journal. After a few years of entries, I discovered, among other things, how much I enjoyed writing. Still, after 10 years, a knee high stack of hand written journals and 4 devotionals, I’m still enjoying it.
BTW, I discovered what I had missed . . . consistency. When we become a Christian, we are given a new nature. Feed it and it will grow. Neglect feeding it and it will wither. I did both then. Not so much anymore.