Among the theological loci pneumatology is one of the most stimulating, exciting, and difficult topics to study; it is also one of the most rewarding. The identity and mission of the Holy Spirit is pervasive throughout Scripture and the Great Tradition, and within contemporary Christianity it is one of the most popular topics currently being explored. Here ten scholars present twelve essays spanning biblical, hermeneutical, theological, and practical disciplines. The result is not an evangelical pneumatology in systematic fashion, nor is it a comprehensive theology of the Holy Spirit. Rather, this volume presents explorations in pneumatology from a variety of evangelical scholars working in varying contexts (mostly the South Pacific basin) but each wrestling equally with what the Spirit of Truth is saying to the churches today. This is a work of outstanding scholarship with essays by Canadian theologian Gary Badcock and a cast of established and emerging Kiwi-or New Zealand-theologians, which gives the work a unique contextual flavor alongside its ecumenical and evangelical commitment.
Über den Autor
Myk Habets is Lecturer in Systematic Theology, and Director of the R. J. Thompson Centre for Theological Studies at Carey Baptist College and Graduate School, Auckland, New Zealand. His publications include Theosis in the Theology of Thomas Torrance (2009), The Anointed Son (Pickwick, 2010), and Trinitarian Theology after Barth, edited with Phillip Tolliday (Pickwick, 2011).