The new edition will provide the sole comprehensive resource available for non-linear optics, including detailed descriptions of the advances over the last decade from world-renowned experts.
Quantum Noice in Nonlinear Optical Phenomena (R. Tanas).
Quantum Interference in Atomic and Molecular Systems (Z.Ficek).
Quantum-Optical States in Finite-Dimensional Hilbert Space. I.General Formalism (A. Miranowicz, et al.).
Quantum-Optical States in Finite-Dimensional Hilbert Space. II.State Generation (W. Leonski & A. Miranowicz).
Correlated Superposition States in Two-Atom Systems (Z. Ficek &R. Tanas).
Multipolar Polarizabilities from Interaction-Induced Raman Scattering (T. Bancewicz, et al.).
Nonstationary Casimir Effect and Analytical Solutions for Quantum Fields in Cavities with Moving Boundaries (V. Dodonov).
Quantum Multipole Radiation (A. Shumovsky).
Nonlinear Phenomena in Quantum Optics (J. Bajer, et al.).
A Quantum Electrodynamical Foundation for Molecular Photonics (D.Andrews & P. Allcock).
Symmetry in Electrodynamics: From Special to General Relativity, Macro to Quantum Domains (M. Sachs).
Author Index.
Subject Index.
Über den Autor
Myron Wyn Evans was a Welsh chemist and physicist who helped develop the Einstein-Cartan-Evans theory or ECE theory, which claimed to unify general relativity, quantum mechanics and electromagnetism.
Viscount Ilya Romanovich Prigogine was a physical chemist and Nobel laureate noted for his work on dissipative structures, complex systems, and irreversibility.