An adventure story, based on Quran, of prophet Yunus (or Jonah in the Bible). The prophet hears Allah’s voice in Ninuwa, a city in ancient Assyria, ordering him to prophesy a destruction of the city on account of Ninuwans‘ unrighteousness. So, Yunus starts preaching repentance to the Ninuwans, but without success. Yunus runs from Ninuwa without Allah’s permission, and goes through the most extraordinary experience of being stomached in a whale and coming out alive, which is unbelievable unless one believes in divine intervention. The author explains it using scientific facts about sperm whale. Many other adventures are included and readers will be led to the New World, the Mediteranean, Tarshish, Joppa, etc. and the secret of the famous Hanging Garden was revealed.
Über den Autor
I am a Japanese male, born in Hiroshima Prefecture in 1950. Majored in chemistry at Miyazaki University in Japan. Worked as a patent engineer for 30-odd years. Spent a summer in Washington, DC to study U.S. Patent law and practice. Skilled at translation between English and Japanese. A lover of music, especially classic. Play the flute and recorder. Favorite authors are Tolstoy, Herman Melville, Homer, Jean Jacque Rousseau, but I spent more time reading the Bible than any other book. Enjoy writing stories, fiction and non-fiction. Story of Yunus is my longest novel.