How to teach students online safety and citizenship
Concerns about children′s online safety have evolved from protecting them to focusing on encouraging positive social norms, transmitting effective skills, and encouraging students to be helpful allies. In fact, federal law now requires schools that receive funding to educate students about cyber safety. Nancy Willard integrates her expertise in risk prevention, law, and education to provide a collaborative process for teaching secondary students media literacy, safety, and ’netiquette.‘ She lays out the steps for school staff to team up with students to build an effective program that will teach young people how to:
- Keep themselves safe
- Disclose and consume information wisely
- Respect the rights, privacy, and property of others
- Take responsibility for others′ well-being when needed
- Respond to inappropriate or dangerous situations
The author′s companion website provides access to surveys, stories, and news articles that spark student discussions and support the book′s activities. Cyber Savvy will show you how to turn techno panic into techno power!
About the Author
I. Teaching Digital Safety & Citizenship
1. Let Them Teach Each Other to Swim
2. Making Positive Choices Online
3. The Dangers of Techno-Panic
4. Targeted Youth Risk Online Prevention & Intervention
5. Law Enforcement Officers as Instructors
6. School Staff Online
7. Providing Parent Guidance
II. Digital Safety and Citizenship Issues
8. Cyber Safe Kids
9. Avoid the Impulse – Remember What You Do Reflects on You
10. Read With Your Eyes Open – Assess the Credibility of Information
11. Keep Your Life in Balance – Avoid Addictive Use
12. Think Before You Post – Protect Your Reputation & Respect Others
13. Connect Safely – Interact Safely With Others Online
14. Keep Yourself Secure – Implement Security & Avoid Scams
15. Abide by the Terms – Act in Accord with Laws, Policies, & Terms
16. Stay Out of the Garbage – Avoid Objectionable & Illegal Material
17. Don’t Sell Yourself – Disclose & Consume Wisely
18. Protect Your Face & Friends – Be a Savvy & Civil When Networking
19. Embrace Civility – Prevent Hurtful Digital Communications
20. Cyberdate Safely – Avoid Exploitation & Abusive Relationships
Über den Autor
Nancy Willard, M.S., J.D. is the director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use. She has degrees in special education and law. She taught “at risk” children, practiced computer law, and was an educational technology consultant before focusing her professional attention on issues of youth risk online and effective management of student Internet use. She has focused on issues of youth risk online and effective Internet use management since 1995. Nancy is author of several books. Among them are; Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats: Responding to the Challenge of Online Social Cruelty, Threats, and Distress (Research Press- 7, 288 units sold) and Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savvy Teens, Helping Young People Use the Internet Safety and Responsibly (Jossey Bass, at 6, 000 units sold). Nancy’s focus is on applying research insight into youth risk and effective research-based risk prevention approaches to these new concerns.