Richard Eggenberger (Narad) is a highly regarded poet, writer, opera singer, horticulturist and videographer. His thousands of videos may be seen on his websites motherandsriaurobindo and Richard Eggenberger. His more than fifty books include ‚The Handbook on Plumeria Culture‘ and ‚The Handbook on Oleanders‘. He is also the author of the ten volume series – ‚Inspiration from Savitri‘, Sri Aurobindo’s magnum opus, as well as the books ‚Homage to the Service Tree‘, ‚Roses for the Soul‘, ‚Flowers for the Soul‘, ‚Gardening for the Soul‘, ‚Lexicon of an Infinite Mind‘, the ‚Supplement to the Lexicon‘, ‚The Descent of a New Music‘ and numerous volumes of homages to great people, as well as twenty books of poetry. Narad came to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry from his physical home in America in 1961 to his spiritual home, India, where he now resides.
In these recent years, especially in Auroville and the last days of my life in America, I have been granted the blessing of poems descending en masse, often writing many a day. I cannot assess the quality but certainly they came without difficulty, and as they descended I expressed my gratitude to Sri Aurobindo, who has helped so many to write poetry. I leave it to those of greater knowledge to determine whether there is any value in them.
1. Among the Offering of Flowers
2. A Poem for Aishwarya on Her Birthday There is a Beauty
3. An American Indian Sonnet
4. Casting Out Demons
5. Collaborate with Truth
6. Constant Seeking
7. Falling Leaves
8. God our Guide
9. Homage to the Rose
10. How to Express One’s Gratitude?
11. In America
12. In Harmony with Human Hearts
13. In Years Gone By
14. Nature’s Gold
15. Branch of Time
16. On the Death of a Friend
17. She Died
18. Snowflakes
19. The Promised Goal
20. The Wind
21. The Wintry Soul of Man
22. There Is an OM
23. To Serve Both God and Man
24. Uninvited Entities
25. Yagna Shastri
26. In Savitri
27. In the Home of the Gods
28. Melodies of Love
29. Moments
30. My Love for Thee
31. New and Glorious Home
32. On the Shore of Bengal’s Sea
33. Preparing for Sleep
34. She Resides in Me
35. Sing Her Praise
36. The Errors of the Past
37. The Godhead’s Face
38. The Grace Divine Shall Not Fail
39. The Mother’s Kiss
40. The Psychic Being Grows
41. The Solace that is Rare
42. The Spirit’s Upward Course
43. The Supermind
44. The Vaunted Calm
45. The World in Darkness
46. Their Clarion Call
47. This Body Old Yet Young
48. Towards Sri Krishna’s Call
49. Your Longing Soul
50. Rosemarie