This book provides the first extensive examination and analysis of the use of the urbanscape during the disaster process, by connecting its elements throughout disaster phases: the pre-disaster phase, consisting of reduction in form of prevention and mitigation; the disaster event phase, consisting of the disaster impact followed by the disaster effects; and the post-disaster phase, consisting of the post-disaster recovery. This work includes the analysis of 18 disaster case studies worldwide, of which 12 case studies are within the natural and 6 case studies within the man-made disaster category. The criteria for choosing these examples is based on the division into natural and man-made disaster subcategories and the period of their occurrence, from 1991 to 2021. The main purpose of this comparative analysis is to reveal the use of the urbanscape during the disaster process, through the role of its open public spaces during each disaster phase in both natural and man-made disastercategories. The book is a useful read for researchers and students of disaster management.
Chapter 1. Introduction.- Chapter 2. Literature 16.- Chapter 3. Research on the disaster process case studies in the world.- Chapter 4. Comparative analysis of the selected hydrological disaster process case studies.- Chapter 5. Comparative analysis of the selected meteorological disaster process case studies.- Chapter 6. comparative analysis of the Selected geophysical disaster process case studies.- Chapter 7. Comparative analysis of the selected climatological disaster process case studies.- Chapter 8. Comparative analysis of the Selected sociological man-made disaster process case studies.- Chapter 9. Comparative analysis of the selected technological man-made disaster process case studies.- Chapter 10. Review of the comparative analysis of the disaster process case studies in the world.- Chapter 11. Review of the natural and man-made disaster process case studies urban rehabilitation models.- Chapter 12. Conclusion on the main finding.
Über den Autor Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci is a professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb, the Department of Town-planning, Regional Planning, and Landscape Architecture. Since 1991, she has worked as an independent scientific researcher, planning engineer, and town-planner. She is the author/co-author of books, scientific articles, scientific studies, town-plans, and studies and designs from the field of garden and landscape architecture. She has actively participated in scientific research projects at home and abroad in the field of landscape architecture and urbanism. She has taken part in national and international scientific-expert conferences (Zagreb, Stari Grad on the island of Hvar, Poreč, Varaždin, Palmanova, Udine, Vienna, Shanghai, Venice, Naples, Bari, Barcelona, Athens, Belgrade, Albena, Copenhagen, Lisbon, Pescara) with topics in the field of protection of traditional architecture, urbanism, and landscape architecture.
Assistant Nerma Omićević is a professor at the Architecture Program within the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences of the International University of Sarajevo. From 2011 until 2019, she worked at the position of a Senior Assistant and since 2019 she has been appointed to the position of Assistant Professor. She lectured various courses within the program, supervised students’ design projects, and contributed to many administrative duties on the program, faculty, and institutional level. She is the author/co-author of scientific articles and diverse design projects in the field of architecture and landscape design.