The aerospace industry increasingly relies on advanced numerical simulation tools in the early design phase. This volume provides the results of a German initiative which combines many of the CFD development activities from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), universities, and aircraft industry. Numerical algorithms for structured and hybrid Navier-Stokes solvers are presented in detail. The capabilities of the software for complex industrial applications are demonstrated.
Grid Generation.- Hybrid unstructured Grid Generation in MEGAFLOW.- Structured Solver FLOWer.- Block Structured Navier-Stokes Solver FLOWer.- Transition Modeling in FLOWer — Transition Prescription and Prediction.- Turbulence Models in FLOWer.- Hybrid Solver TAU.- Overview of the Hybrid RANS Code TAU.- Algorithmic Developments in TAU.- Hybrid Grid Adaptation in TAU.- Turbulence Model Implementation in TAU.- G.I.G. — A Flexible User-Interface for CFD-Code Configuration Data.- Validation.- Computation of Aerodynamic Coefficients for Transport Aircraft with MEGAFLOW.- Computation of Engine-Airframe Installation Drag.- Verification of MEGAFLOW-Software for High Lift Applications.- Shape Optimization.- The Continuous Adjoint Approach in Aerodynamic Shape Optimization.- Application of the Adjoint Technique with the Optimization Framework Synaps Pointer Pro.- Shape Parametrization Using Freeform Deformation.- Contributions of Universities.- Advanced Turbulence Modelling in Aerodynamic Flow Solvers.- Large-Eddy Simulation of Attached Airfoil Flow.- Transition Prediction for 2D and 3D Flows using the TAU-Code and N-Factor Methods.- Exploitation of MEGAFLOW Software.- Application of the MEGAFLOW Software at DLR.- MEGAFLOW for AIRBUS-D — Applications and Requirements.- Aerodynamic Analysis of Flapping Airfoil Propulsion at Low Reynolds Numbers.