Autor: Once Upon a. Time


16 Ebooks von Once Upon a. Time

Once Upon a Time & Hans Christian Andersen: Thumbelina
Age: 8-9 years old Reading Level: 3rd grade The best illustrated fairytales for children! Once upon a time, there was a young woman who could not bear a child. One day, in despair, she went to see a …
Once Upon a Time & Hans Christian Andersen: The Ugly Duckling
Age: 8-9 years old   Reading Level: 3rd grade The best illustrated fairytales for children! Once upon a time was a mother duck who was admiring her newborns. One of the eggs had not hatched yet …
Jacob Grimm & Wilhelm Grimm: The Brave Little Tailor
Age: 8-9 years old   Reading Level: 3rd grade The best illustrated fairytales for children! Once upon a time was a brave little tailor who worked as hard as he could to finish all the orders he …
Once Upon a Time & Jesús Lopez Pastor: The Tin Soldier
Age: 8-9 years old Reading Level: 3rd grade The best illustrated fairytales for children! Once upon a time there was a little boy who was celebrating his birthday. As a gift, he received a box filled …
Once Upon a Time & Jesús Lopez Pastor: The Musicians of Bremen
Age: 8-9 years old Reading Level: 3rd grade The best illustrated fairytales for children! Once upon a time, not far from the city of Bremen, lived a mean miller who owned a donkey. As he was getting …
Jacob Grimm & Wilhelm Grimm: Hansel and Gretel
Age: 8-9 years old Reading Level: 3rd grade The best illustrated fairytales for children! Once upon a time was a poor lumberjack who had two children, Hansel and Gretel. Unfortunately, he was no long …
Once Upon a Time & Jesús Lopez Pastor: Three Little Pigs
Age: 8-9 years old  Reading Level: 3rd grade The best illustrated fairytales for children! Once upon a time were 3 little pigs who had decided to leave their parents‘ house and live on their own …
Once Upon a Time & Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Baumont: Beauty and the Beast
Age: 8-9 years old Reading Level: 3rd grade The best illustrated fairytales for children! Once upon a time, there was a merchant who had three daughters. One day, he was arrested by a monstruous crea …
Once Upon a Time & Jesús Lopez Pastor: Goldilocks and the 3 Bears
Age: 8-9 years old Reading Level: 3rd grade The best illustrated fairytales for children! Once upon a time was a little girl called Goldilocks because of her wonderful blond hair. One day, as she was …
Once Upon a Time & Hans Christian Andersen: The Little Thumb
Age: 8-9 years old Reading Level: 3rd grade The best illustrated fairytales for children! Once upon a time were a couple of woodcutters so poor that they tried to abandon their seven sons. Despite th …
Once Upon a Time & Charles Perrault: Puss in Boots
Age: 8-9 years old   Reading Level: 3rd grade The best illustrated fairytales for children! Once upon a time was a poor miller. When he died, his three sons only inherited an old mill, a donkey …
Once Upon a Time & Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm: Little Red Riding Hood
Age: 8-9 years old Reading Level: 3rd grade The best illustrated fairytales for children! Once upon a time was a little girl that people called Little Red Riding Hood because she was always wearing a …
Once Upon a Time & Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm: Sleeping Beauty
Age: 8-9 years old   Reading Level: 3rd grade The best illustrated fairytales for children! Once upon a time, in a far away land lived a king and a queen who wanted to have children. Thus, they …
Once Upon a Time & Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Age: 8-9 years old   Reading Level: 3rd grade The best illustrated fairytales for children! Once upon a time was a pretty princess called Snow White. Unfortunately, her mother the queen died whe …
Once Upon a Time & Charles Perrault: Cinderella
Age: 8-9 years old Reading Level: 3rd grade The best illustrated fairytales for children! Once upon a time was a beautiful and kind girl. After her mother died, her father remarried with a mean woman …
Once Upon a Time & Jesús Lopez Pastor: Peter Pan
Age: 8-9 years old Reading Level: 3rd grade The best illustrated fairytales for children! Once upon a time was a young girl called Wendy. Wendy lived with her parents, her two younger brothers and he …