PRISCILLA MARTIN teaches English Literature and Classics at the University of Oxford, UK. She has also taught at the Universities of Edinburgh, London, Colorado, California, Washington and Hawaii. She has published on Chaucer, Piers Plowman, the Gawain-poet, Tyndale, Shakespeare, Iris Murdoch and other twentieth-century novelists.
ANNE ROWE is Director of the Centre of Iris Murdoch Studies at Kingston University, UK and Lead Editor of the
Iris Murdoch Review. She has published widely on Iris Murdoch, most recently co-authoring
Sacred Space, Beloved City: Iris Murdoch“s London with Cheryl Bove and co-editing
Iris Murdoch and Morality with Avril Horner.
5 Ebooks von P. Martin
P. Martin & Anne Rowe: Iris Murdoch
This largely chronological study of Iris Murdoch’s literary life begins with her fledgling publications at Badminton School and Oxford, and her Irish heritage. It moves through the novels of the next …
Peter C. Heap: Globalization and Summit Reform
Ever since I was a graduate student at the University of Chicago in October 1962, I have been interested in challenges at the global scale that could affect the future of humanity. The Cuban Missile …
P. Martin: Compendium Creationis – die universelle Symbolik der Wassermann-Genesis erklärt durch P. Martin
Die Schöpfungs-Mythen alter und neuer Kulturen sind besonders deutliche Beispiele für diese Tatsachen: Sie erzählen, wie ein Gott oder eine Gemeinschaft von Göttern aus dem ‹Nichts› ein Universum her …
P. Martin: Chaucer“s Women: Nuns, Wives and Amazons
In this challenging study Priscilla Martin investigates the subjects of women, sex and gender in Chaucer“s poetry. She argues convincingly that these are Chaucer“s major subjects and that he presen …
K.U. Ettrich & A. Fischer-Cyrulies: Aspekte der Entwicklung im mittleren und höheren Lebensalter
Die Erforschung der Entwicklung im mittleren bis höheren Lebensalter gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Angesichts der demografischen Veränderungen in der Zusammensetzung der Bevölkerung, der umwälzende …