This book provides academics, trainers and supervisors worldwide the tools to effectively support doctoral students in the assessment process. Its multidisciplinary approach makes it a uniquely useful manual for the examination of works from conception to completion, and dissemination – in both formative and summative assessments. It gives clear guidance on:
· How assessment is structured and conducted,
· Activities and questions for the supervision of vivas and public debates,
· How to manage assessment outcomes.
This book equips early career assessors to effectively perform their duties and supportive roles, and is a valuable resource for doctoral students seeking insight into the rationale behind the ways in which their preparation is structured and delivered.
Chapter 1 What is ‘doctorateness’
Chapter 2 What is the role of assessment in doctoral studies?
Chapter 3 What are the regulatory requirements and responsibilities of doctoral assessors?
Chapter 4 What different forms does assessment take and why during the process of a doctorate?
Chapter 5 How can assessment be made inclusive?
Chapter 6 How can you establish an appropriate rapport and respect in doctoral assessment?
Chapter 7 What feedback is useful and how can it be negotiated?
Chapter 8. How can you deal well with less positive assessment outcomes?
Chapter 9. What forms of final doctoral assessment procedures might an examiner encounter?
Chapter 10. What should we be looking for in a thesis?
Chaptee 11. What are the purposes of a viva voce and how can it be conducted rigorously and compassionately?
Chapter 12. What are potential outcomes and what will be your continuing role?
Über den Autor
Dr Julie Reeves is a Researcher Developer/Senior Teaching Fellow at the University of Southampton, and a Co-Investigator with a GCRF funded project, BRECc IA, leading the Capacity development work package. She has been involved in researcher development since 2002, working with the Civic Education Project in Belarus and Ukraine, and then as the Skills Training Manager, Faculty of Humanities, University of Manchester. She was a key researcher and contributor to the Vitae ‘Researcher Development Statement and Framework’ and is a Vitae Researcher Developer Senior Fellow. She is a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development, a co-convenor of the Postgraduate Issues Network within the Society for Research into Higher Education, and currently facilitates the South East Researcher Developers network. She is a co-editor of the SAGE Success in Research series with Pam Denicolo, Dawn Duke and Alison Yeung.