Paris Marx is a technology writer. They have written frequently in, amongst others, NBC News, CBC News, Jacobin, Tribune, and One Zero, and speak internationally on the future of transport. They are also a Ph D student at the University of Auckland and the host of the critical technology podcast „Tech Won“t Save Us“. They are based in Newfoundland, Canada.
4 Ebooks von Paris Marx
Paris Marx: Road to Nowhere
Silicon Valley wants us to believe that technology will revolutionize our cities and the ways we move around. Autonomous vehicles will make us safer, greener, and more efficient. On-demand services l …
Paris Marx: Estrada para lugar nenhum
Em Estrada para lugar nenhum , o jornalista, podcaster e crítico Paris Marx desafia as visões utópicas do Vale do Silício sobre o futuro do transporte. Desvendando as falhas nas promessas de carros a …
Luke Savage & Ben Burgis: Elon Musk
Amados por uns, odiados por outros, os megabilionários das Big Techs como Elon Musk têm tido uma presença cada vez mais central na política e na mídia nos últimos anos – causando acalorados debates n …