Patricia Holland offers a fascinating study of the ways in which changes to public services, and shifts in the concept of ‚the public‘ under Margaret Thatcher’s three Conservative governments, were mediated by radio and television in the 1980s.
Prologue: Echoes of the 1980s Introduction: Thatcherism, the Public and Writing Broadcasting History PART I: PROGRAMMES AND CHRONOLOGY 1927 – 1970 1. Myths of Origin: Public Service or the Road to Serfdom? PART II: PROGRAMMES AND CHRONOLOGY 1970 – 1980 2. Freedom and the Public: Campaigner, Participant, Consumer 3. Broadcasting into the 1980s PART III: PROGRAMMES AND CHRONOLOGY 1979 – 1983 4. Restructuring Social Class 5. From Needs to Wants: Restructuring Audiences, Restructuring Patients 6. Your Life in Whose Hands? Restructuring Professionals PART IV: PROGRAMMES AND CHRONOLOGY 1983 – 1987 7. The Third Age and the Fresh Winds of Market Forces: Restructuring Broadcasting 8 Griffiths, Peacock and Restructuring Public Service 9. Aids and ‚the public‘ at Risk PART V: PROGRAMMES AND CHRONOLOGY 1986 – 1990 10. Who’s the Casualty? Popular Programmes 11. The NHS and Third Term Politics 12. ‚Quality‘ and the Broadcasting White Paper Postscript: Public Service or Kitemark?
Über den Autor
Patricia Holland is a writer, lecturer and researcher specialising in television, photography and popular imagery. She has many publications in these fields, including
The Television Handbook (2000) and
The Angry Buzz: ‚This Week‘ and Current Affairs Television (2006). She is currently a lecturer at Bournemouth University, UK, and has previously worked as an independent filmmaker, a community bookseller, a television editor and a freelance journalist.