The characteristic form taken by English Marxism since the war has been the study of history. No writer exemplifies its achievements better than Edward Thompson, whose
Making of the English Working Class is probably the most influential single work of historical scholarship by a socialist today. An editor of
The New Reasoner in 1957-59, a founder of the New Left in 1960, now an eloquent champion of civil rights, Thompson has most recently aroused widespread interest with the appearance of his
Poverty of Theory, which combines philosophical and political polemic with Louis Althusser, and powerful advocacy of the historian’s craft.
Arguments Within English Marxism is an assessment of its central theses that relates them to Thompson’s major historical writings themselves. Thus the role of human agency-the part of the conscious choice and active will-in history is discussed through consideration of its treatment in
The Making of the English Working Class. The problems of base and superstructure in historical materialism, and of affiliation to values in the past, are reviewed in the light of
Whigs and Hunters. The claims of utopian imagination are illustrated from the findings of
William Morris. Questions of socialist strategy are broached in part through the articles now collected in
Writing by Candlelight. Exploring at once differences and convergences between
New Left Review and one of its founders, the essay concludes by suggesting the virtues of diversity within a common socialist culture.
Über den Autor
Perry Anderson is the author of, among other books, Spectrum, Lineages of the Absolutist State, Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism, Considerations on Western Marxism, English Questions, The Origins of Postmodernity, and The New Old World. He teaches history at UCLA and is on the editorial board of New Left Review.