Technologies develop rapidly and reach hurricane levels of velocity but quality E-Content and innovative applications lag behind. This book addresses the question how content industries change within a digital environment and what role information and communication technologies play in transforming the competitive landscape. The authors argue that post-industrial societies tend to pay substantial amounts for equipment and gadgets but invest far too little in the quality of the content. As a result, much effort is and has to be spent on the enhancement of E-Content.
The contributions give an elaborate overview of:
– the specifics, challenges and prospects of content in the network economy;
– market developments of digital media services;
– paid content business models;
– impacts on scientific publishing;
– developments in the field of E-Learning;
– the interplay between technology and content with the example of interactive digital TV;
– the mobile games market;
– emerging new cross media markets;
– the need to enhance the usability of websites and mobile applications;
– how digital applications might be used to capture and store our personal experiences.
A final chapter shows the prospects of the European E-Content market and gives an overview of valuable initiatives and resources dealing with the topic of E-Content.
E-Content in Europe: Dimensions of an Emerging Field.- E-Content Market in Europe An Overview.- The State of Digital Media Service Business.- Paid Content: From Free to Fee.- Content Applications: Selected Cases.- The Impact of E-Learning.- Scientific Publishing: A European Strength.- Mobile Games: An Emerging Content Business Area.- Cross-Media on the Advance.- User-Centric Content Production and Interaction.- Interactive Digital Television in Europe.- The Usability Factor: Improving the Quality of E-Content.- Experience Machines: Capturing and Retrieving Personal Content.- Outlook.- Prospects of E-Content in Europe.- A Guide to European Initiatives and Resources in E-Content.