Child Custody and Domestic Violence: A Call for Safety and Accountability focuses on the complexity of the challenges facing judges, lawyers, legislators, and mental health professionals in developing safe and effective strategies for resolving custody disputes. Jaffe, Lemon, and Poisson integrate the most recent clinical and legal issues in the field in considering the prevalence of divorce and domestic violence as well as the relevance of domestic violence in custody disputes. The authors outline the essential differences between custody disputes with and without allegations and findings of domestic violence, and the different analysis and distinct interventions by judges, policymakers, and mental health professionals necessary in domestic violence cases.
Key Features:
- Addresses difficult issues such as parent alienation syndrome, false allegations, and mutual abuse
- Reviews recent legislation and guidelines in custody disputes involving domestic violence in four countries: the United States, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia
- Outlines significant judicial decisions in custody disputes, highlighting the inconsistency and unpredictability of the decisions and their impact on the desired outcome
- Offers recommendations for legislative improvements, increased training for legal and mental health professionals, enhanced services and programs, and the development of new policies to deal with domestic violence in custody disputes
Legal and mental health professionals who provide services to divorcing parents will find this a much-needed reference, as will anyone whose life has been affected by child custody disputes and domestic violence.
Why Domestic Violence is Relevant in Child Custody Disputes
Assessing Safety and Responsibility in Child Custody Disputes
Changing Legislation and Legal Practice to Recognize Domestic Violence in Child Custody Proceedings
From Theory to Practice: The Varying Responses of the Court System to Domestic Violence in Child Custody Cases
A Framework for Action by Courts and Communities to Recognize the Plight of Abused Victims and Their Children After Separation
Über den Autor
Samantha Poisson is the Acting Co-ordinator of the London Custody and Access Project at the Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System of the London Family Court Clinic, and is currently completing her Doctorate in Education in Applied Psychology at the University of Toronto. She has been published extensively both in collaboration and alone on topics related to family violence, research, and custody and access issues. Her teaching experience has involved presentations and workshops involving Crown attorneys, family law associations and conferences on children. As well as her active involvement in research and training, she has worked extensively in the area of custody and access and expert assessments. Ms. Poisson is qualified as an expert witness in Ontario Court (Ontario Superior Court of Justice, General Division) and New Brunswick (Trial Division).