The advice offered is sound and profound saves parents a lot of pain, money and time to take care of their most precious gift
the well-being of their kids.
Über den Autor
Valbona a Va le Vin lives with her family in Ham- burg, Germany. She studied German and History, trai- ned as speech and develo- pmental therapist as well as learning coach.Valbona
teaches sensorimotor speech thera- py and a new approach in the treatment of stuttering children. She runs a clinic for Holistic Therapy and Child Development and is founder of GOJA®-Therapy, an approach combining sensorimotor, cognitive and spiritual aspects of development in a clinical setting supportive of the needs of parents and with manual therapy children.
Peter le Vin D.o. lives with his family in Hamburg, Germany. He studied Social Anthropology, Religion and Osteopathy. Peter is tea- ching visceral and pediatric Osteopathy and works as Osteopath in a clinic for Holistic Therapy and Child Development. He is co-founder of GOJA®-Therapy. Peter’s work is publi- shed in English, German, Spanish, Italian, and Russian. He writes text books for therapists as well as scientific prose for a general audience.