Robert Falconer-Taylor BVet Med Dip CABT MRCVS ist Tierarzt, COAPE-Partner, Mitentwickler und Dozent vieler COAPE-Kurse. Er berät als Experte tierärztliche Vereinigungen und Tierschutzorganisationen und engagiert sich bei „The Puppy Plan“, einer groß angelegten Kooperation des Britischen Kennel Clubs und der Tierschutzorganisation Dogs Trust.
Peter Neville Dhc BSc (Hons) ist Gründungspartner des COAPE-Instituts und (Co-) Autor von 15 Büchern, darunter der internationale Bestseller „Versteh deinen Hund“. Er arbeitet als Dozent, Berater für verschiedene Organisationen und leitet Safaris in Afrika, bei denen Verhalten von Wildhunden und Großkatzen erforscht wird.
Val Strong MSc machte ihren Master im Bereich Haustierverhaltensberatung mit dem Spezialgebiet: die Auswirkung der Ernährung auf das Verhalten. Sie ist seit 1997 COAPE-Partner und zählt zu den führenden Expertinnen im Bereich der Aus-bildung von Assistenzhunden und Anfallswarnhunden für Menschen mit Epilepsie.
12 Ebooks von Peter Neville
Peter Neville: Historical Dictionary of British Foreign Policy
British foreign policy has always been based on distinctive principles since the setting up of the Foreign Office in 1782 as one of the two original offices of state, the other being the Home Office. …
Robert Falconer-Taylor & Peter Neville: Emotionen einschätzen, Hunde verstehen
Das englische COAPE-Institus legt bereits seit vielen Jahren den Fokus seines Interesses auf die Emotionen von Tieren. Neuere Erkenntnisse der Hirnforschung bestätigen immer mehr, wie stark Emotionen …
Robert Falconer-Taylor & Peter Neville: EMRA™ Intelligence
Since 2004 in the UK, the Centre of Applied Animal Ethology (COAPE) has been developing EMRA™, a revolutionary and highly successful way of treating behaviour problems in companion animals. EMRA™ is …
Peter Neville: Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh explores the life of this globally important twentieth-century figure and offers new insights into his lengthy career, including his often-forgotten involvement with British intermediarie …
Peter Neville: Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh explores the life of this globally important twentieth-century figure and offers new insights into his lengthy career, including his often-forgotten involvement with British intermediarie …
Peter Neville: Britain in Vietnam
This book is a study of the circumstances leading to British intervention in Vietnam in 1945, and the course and consequences of this intervention. The first part of the work links French colonialism …
Peter Neville: Britain in Vietnam
This book is a study of the circumstances leading to British intervention in Vietnam in 1945, and the course and consequences of this intervention. The first part of the work links French colonialism …
Peter (University of East Anglia, UK) Neville: Mussolini
This new edition of Peter Neville’s Mussolini traces and analyses the life of one of the most fascinating twentieth century European dictators, Benito Mussolini, while placing his life in its histori …
Peter (University of East Anglia, UK) Neville: Mussolini
This new edition of Peter Neville’s Mussolini traces and analyses the life of one of the most fascinating twentieth century European dictators, Benito Mussolini, while placing his life in its histori …
Peter Neville: Rose of Singapore
For young aircraftman Peter Saunders, Singapore in the early 1950s holds all the promise of the Orient: exotic surroundings, unusual customs, and mesmerizing women. Peter soon meets and falls in love …
Peter Neville: British Attempt to Prevent the Second World War
This book focuses on some new issues associated with British appeasement policy in the 1930s. It looks particularly at how the artificial split between international history and military history has …
Peter Neville: Benes & Masaryk
Of even greater importance for Hungary’s future were the activities of the champions of an independent state of Czechs and Slovaks. Tomas Masaryk, a Czech professor of philosophy and a future leader …