The present work was born as a proposal oriented to the progressive elaboration of an integral approach to the international regulation of normative applicable to the International Criminal Court. As such, this first edition is introductory in each and every sense, aiming at providing the new-born reader of a general idea of the related topics. Future editions shall broader and deepener particular sub-areas, both in relation to legal areas as well as activities performed throughout international criminal conducts and the International Criminal Court regime.
Part I analyses the Court’s precedents as well as its institutionalization process according to the general normative of International Criminal Law. Part II deals with Rome Statute’s general provisions as well as the International Criminal Court’s operative background. Part III boards the International Criminal Court’s functioning and outcomes. Part IV treats the importance of the International Criminal Court as well as some -until now- unprosecuted actions. Part V is a closing remark of the general text.
Über den Autor
Pablo Ferrara (LL.B. UBA; Ph D UC Berkeley) is UNCLOS Arbitrator (Annex VII), Professor at Universidad del Salvador (USAL), government and private consultant. He was: Rajawali Fellow at Harvard University and Max Planck Fellow (Heidelberg, Germany); consultant to the Argentine Executive Branch as well as the Argentine National Congress; Chair at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (Dehradun, India) (2019) and Professor at Xiamen University (Xiamen, People’s Republic of China).