This book highlights the overview of Spintronics, including What is Spintronics ?; Why Do We Need Spintronics ?; Comparative merit-demerit of Spintronics and Electronics ; Research Efforts put on Spintronics ; Quantum Mechanics of Spin; Dynamics of magnetic moments : Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Equation; Spin-Dependent Band Gap in Ferromagnetic Materials; Functionality of ‘Spin’ in Spintronics; Different Branches of Spintronics etc. Some important notions on basic elements of Spintronics are discussed here, such as – Spin Polarization, Spin Filter Effect, Spin Generation and Injection, Spin Accumulation, Different kinds of Spin Relaxation Phenomena, Spin Valve, Spin Extraction, Spin Hall Effect, Spin Seebeck Effect, Spin Current Measurement Mechanism, Magnetoresistance and its different kinds etc. Concept of Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR), different types of GMR, qualitative and quantitative explanation of GMR employing Resistor Network Theory are presented here. Tunnelling Magnetoresistance (TMR), Magnetic Junctions, Effect of various parameters on TMR, Measurement of spin relaxation length and time in the spacer layer are covered here. This book highlights the concept of Spin Transfer Torque (STT), STT in Ferromagnetic Layer Structures, STT driven Magnetization Dynamics, STT in Magnetic Multilayer Nanopillar etc. This book also sheds light on Magnetic Domain Wall (MDW) Motion, Ratchet Effect in MDW motion, MDW motion velocity measurements, Current-driven MDW motion, etc. The book deals with the emerging field of spintronics, i.e., Opto-spintronics. Special emphasis is given on ultrafast optical controlling of magnetic states of antiferromagnet, Spin-photon interaction, Faraday Effect, Inverse Faraday Effect and outline of different all-optical spintronic switching. One more promising branch i.e., Terahertz Spintronics is also covered. Principle of operation of spintronic terahertz emitter, choice of materials, terahertz writing of an antiferromagnetic magnetic memory device is discussed. Brief introduction of Semiconductor spintronics is presented that includes dilute magnetic semiconductor, feromagnetic semiconductor, spin polarized semiconductor devices, three terminal spintronic devices, Spin transistor, Spin-LED, and Spin-Laser. This book also emphasizes on several modern spintronics devices that includes GMR Read Head of Modern Hard Disk Drive, MRAM, Position Sensor, Biosensor, Magnetic Field sensor, Three Terminal Magnetic Memory Devices, Spin FET, Race Track Memory and Quantum Computing.
1. An Overview of Spintronics.- 2.Basic elements of Spintronics.- 3. Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR).- 4. Tunneling Magnetoresistance (TMR).- 5. Spin Transfer Torque.
Über den Autor
Dr. Puja Dey obtained her Ph.D. from IIT Kharagpur, India, and is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at Kazi Nazrul University Asansol, India. Dr. Dey was CNRS Postdoctoral Fellow at IPCMS, CNRS, Strasbourg, France, and was Visiting Scientist at UGC-DAE CSR Indore, India. She is a recipient of the Senior Research Fellowship from Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (Government of India). Dr. Dey has 11 years of experience in research. Presently, she is acting as Joint Coordinator of Centre for Organic Spintronics and Optoelectronics Devices at Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, India. Dr. Dey has been working in the field of nanomaterials, functional materials, thin films, Spintronics, Organic Spintronics, Opto-Spintronics, etc. She received research grant from DST, Government of India. Dr. Dey has published more than 40 international research papers in peer-reviewed journals.Dr. JITENDRA NATH ROY received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Physics from Vidyasagar University, India. Dr. Roy is a recipient of the Senior Research Fellowship from Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (Government of India). He is also the recipient of the
International Sardar Patel Award from Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Foundation for significant contribution in physical science. Dr. Roy has 20 years of experience in teaching research and administration. Presently, Dr. Roy is working as Professor in the Department of Physics and acting as
Coordinator of Centre for Organic Spintronics
and Optoelectronic Devices at Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, WB, India. He has already published more than 123 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. Dr. Roy is Member of many International Advisory Committees and Technical Program Committees in various countries and acted as Panel Editor and Reviewer for reputed journals. He is Member of
Optical Society of India.