Everything Civics, is born out of the personal practical experience of Rakesh, after becoming frustrated when his wife fell down on a broken footpath while going for a morning jog. He tried to report the issue to the city officials and found no result in a convenient way. Being a tech savvy guy who truly believes in using technology to solve the problems, he began to wonder if there are technologies out there in countries like USA & Europe, but those technologies where not easy & affordable for countries like India, they also did not address the cultural and language issues which countries like India have; after doing much research and talking to couple of his friends, inspired by ideas which already has been implemented in countries like USA, UK and others, he decided to build a platform that lets anybody to click a photo and report an issue to the Municipal Corporation and get the problems fixed.
This book serves as a bible for anyone who interested in getting a global perspective around Non-emergency Services & use of Open311 protocols by different councils. It also provides complete insight about implementation of Open311 issue reporting apps like Hey Gov!, Fix City, Fix 311, Fix My Street.CA, Fix My Street NZ and many more
This book is divided into five major sections
1. Everything about the Non-emergency Services
2. Understanding Open311
3. Open311 applications
4. Other aspects of Everything Civics
5. These sections further unfold into 8 chapters
Über den Autor
Rakesh Patel, CEO and cofounder of Space-O Technologies and best-selling author of Enterprise Mobility Strategy & Solutions, having two decades of software experience, has played key roles in diverse areas of the software businesses assuming different responsibilities. He has been in information technology field for the last twenty-one years and has defined a successful business model for the clients that has worked flawlessly for them. His ideas, experience, and knowledge in mobility have been greatly admired and acknowledged by the clients, community, and others in the mobile app space.