The Five Breakthrough Steps for Career Transitions is a roadmap for anyone contemplating which career direction is next for them. It’s written as a guide to navigating the moments when you stop and question your professional journey-whether you should stay on your current career path or with your current employer. It’s written to support your desire to pursue a new position, new company, new industry, or any career transition that shifts you and your responsibilities.
Whether it’s a new professional endeavor or entrepreneurship, this book will equip you with the steps to discern how to move forward so you’re prepared to navigate any career transition.
The Black professional narrative is an overlay of unique career transition experiences across different industries in Corporate America, from middle to senior-level roles. While the career challenges highlighted transcend across cultures, the narrative of Black career experiences are interwoven to empower Black professionals wrestling with career decisions, emphasizing community and a broader collective with similar thoughts. Through the narrative, you will have the opportunity to reflect and consider how to use each step to guide your transition.
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………….9
Part I: My Career Transition………………………………………………….15
My Career Transition Story………………………………………………………19
What’s Keeping You?………………………………………………………………31
Part II: The Five Breakthrough Steps for Career Transitions……37
Step 1: Assess Where You Are…………………………………………………39
Step 2: Determine What You Want…………………………………………….59
Step 3: Strategize Your Next Best Move……………………………………..69
Step 4: Take a Step………………………………………………………………….77
Step 5: Reflect and Redirect……………………………………………………..85
Part III: Putting It All Together………………………………………………….91
Putting It All Together………………………………………………………………..93
Now What……………………………………………………………………………….107
Author’s Note…………………………………………………………………………..111
About the Author……………………………………………………………………….113