Dr Alexandra Langlais is a member of several scientific research networks, including the International Academy of Environmental law, as well as the French Society of Environmental Law in which she is President of the Western section. Dr Langlais has also been involved in several national and European research programmes, such as Agriconnect, Alterphyto and Normasoil.
2 Ebooks von Rémi Cardinael
C. Rumpel: Understanding and fostering soil carbon sequestration
- Highlights the increasing role of soils as an important and dynamic part of the global carbon cycle and their potential role in counteracting increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations < …
Andreas Schindlbacher & Mathias Mayer: Instant Insights: Carbon monitoring and management in forests
- Explores the interactions between tropical forests and the immediate climate, as well as the role of tropical forests in the global carbon cycle
- Highlights the development and submi …