Autor: René Schmidpeter

René Schmidpeter holds the Dr. Juergen Meyer Endowed Chair of International Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility at the Cologne Business School (CBS). He is also a professor at the Nanjing University of Finance and Economics as well as the co-director of the Center for Advanced Sustainable Management (CASM) at CBS. He is a series editor for Springer’s CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance books, a section editor of the Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility (ECSR) and an editor of the Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility (DCSR). His research and teaching activities focus on the management of Corporate Social Responsibility, international perspectives on CSR, Social Innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship as well as the relationship between business and society. He has published widely and is the editor of the German management series on Corporate Social Responsibility at Springer Gabler. Nicholas Capaldi is Legendre-Soulé Distinguished Chair in Business Ethics at Loyola University, New Orleans. He also serves as Director of the National Center for Business Ethics. He taught previously at: The University of Tulsa where he was the Mc Farlin Research Professor of Law; Columbia University; Queens College, City University of New York; The United States Military Academy at West Point, and the National University of Singapore. Professor Capaldi received his B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania and his Ph.D. from Columbia University. His principal research and teaching interest is in public policy and its intersection with political science, philosophy, law, religion, and economics. He is the author of 7 books, over 80 articles, and editor of six anthologies. He is a member of the editorial board of six journals and has served most recently as editor of Public Affairs Quarterly. Professor Capaldi is the recipient of grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, The Mellon Foundation, The U.S. Department of Education, The Board of Regents of Louisiana, and the John Templeton Foundation among others. He is an internationally recognized scholar and a domestic public policy specialist on such issues as higher education, bio-ethics, business ethics, affirmative action, and immigration. Professor Capaldi’s recent publications include articles on corporate social responsibility, the ethics of free market societies, and an intellectual biography of John Stuart Mill in connection with which he was recently interviewed on C-SPAN’s Booknotes. Samuel O Idowu is a Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Corporate Social Responsibility at the Guildhall School of Business & Law at London Metropolitan University. His research is concerned with the fields of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Corporate Governance, Business Ethics, and Accounting and he has published in both professional and academic journals since 1989. He is a freeman of the City of London and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators. Samuel is the Deputy CEO and First Vice President of the Global Corporate Governance Institute. He has been the lead editor of several books in CSR, is the Editor-in-Chief of two Springer’s reference books – the Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility and the Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility and an Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility. He is also a Series Editor for Springer’s books on CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance. One of his edited books won the most Outstanding Business Reference book Award of the American Library Association (ALA) in 2016 and another was ranked 18th in the 2010 Top 40 Sustainability Books by,  Cambridge University, Sustainability Leadership Programme. Samuel is a member of the Committee of the Corporate Governance Special Interest Group of the British Academy of Management (BAM).He is on the Editorial Boards of the International Journal of Business Administration, Canada and Amfiteatru Economic Journal, Romania. Samuel has delivered a number of Keynote Speeches at national and international conferences and workshops on CSR and has on two occasions 2008 and 2014 won Emerald’s Highly Commended Literati Network Awards for Excellence. To date, Samuel has edited several books in the field of CSR, Sustainability and Governance and has written four forewords to books. Samuel has served as an external examiner to the following UK Universities – Sunderland, Ulster, Anglia Ruskin and Plymouth. He is currently an external examiner at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Teesside University, Middlesbrough and Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Anika Lotter holds an MBA in International Management from the Cologne Business School, and a Bachelor’s in Social Work from the Catholic University of Applied Sciences of North Rhine Westphalia. She has extensive professional experience in the nonprofit sector in Germany and the United States and has worked and been an active member of the start-up community in Cologne and the surrounding area. Additionally, she was previously a researcher and project manager at the Center for Advanced Sustainable Management at the Cologne Business School, where she focused on Social Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development, and Responsible Leadership in German SMEs. She currently works as a consultant at ARKADIA Management Consultants, a boutique consultancy based out of Cologne.

33 Ebooks von René Schmidpeter

René Schmidpeter & Nicholas Capaldi: International Dimensions of Sustainable Management
This book provides a rich collection of essays discussing and showcasing the transformation of businesses around the world towards sustainability and responsibility. Based on a framework of global …
Nicholas Capaldi & Samuel O. Idowu: Responsible Business in Uncertain Times and for a Sustainable Future
This book offers up-to-date insights into the theory and practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability management. Gathering contributions by a team of international scholars, …
Samuel O. Idowu & René Schmidpeter: The Future of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
This book provides a business-oriented analysis of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In order to assess their impact on businesses and corporations, the book addresses al …
Nayan Mitra & René Schmidpeter: Mandated Corporate Social Responsibility
This book examines the Indian mandate for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its implementations in various individual organizations. Although the mandate is applicable only to certain large …
Samuel O. Idowu & Nicholas Capaldi: Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility
This book is a concise and authoritative reference work and dictionary in the field of corporate social responsibility, sustainability, business ethics and corporate governance. It provides reliable …
Samuel O. Idowu & René Schmidpeter: Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe
This book explores the current state of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in 24 European nations, examining the state of the development and practice of CSR and sustainability for organizations i …
René Schmidpeter & Hualiang Lu: Sustainable Development and CSR in China
This book offers an in-depth analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility, gathering contributions by authors from various countries, cultures and political systems. It provides readers with a be …
Stephen Vertigans & Samuel O. Idowu: Corporate Social Responsibility in Sub-Saharan Africa
This book provides a comprehensive overview of corporate social responsibility and its development in Africa. It provides in-depth studies on 11 sub-Saharan countries, demonstrating that corporate so …
André Habisch & René Schmidpeter: Cultural Roots of Sustainable Management
This book provides a multidisciplinary approach to Corporate Social Responsibility. While for decades a purely mathematical-technical orientation dominated the business curriculum, this book presents …
Nayan Mitra & René Schmidpeter: Corporate Social Responsibility in India
This book provides a comprehensive overview of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Indian corporations following the 2013 legal mandate on corporate spending of profits for CSR. Bringing togethe …
Nicholas Capaldi & Samuel O. Idowu: Dimensional Corporate Governance
This book explores different dimensions of the field of corporate governance and social responsibility. It discusses how business and society perceive and relate to CSR; how the field has continued …
Hualiang Lu & René Schmidpeter: Building New Bridges Between Business and Society
This book provides a comprehensive understanding of the linkages between business and society by addressing key issues in corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability, ethics and governance. …
André Habisch & Jan Jonker: Corporate Social Responsibility Across Europe
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an increasingly important topic in our global society. Corporate Social Responsibility Across Europe is the first volume of its kind to bring together …
André Habisch & René Schmidpeter: Handbuch Corporate Citizenship
Dieses Buch liefert eine fundierte Gesamtsicht der vielfältigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) und Corporate Citizenship im täglichen Wirtschaftsleben. Es gibt Mana …
Andreas Schneider & René Schmidpeter: Corporate Social Responsibility
​Dieses Standardwerk der CSR-Managementliteratur bietet eine neue Sichtweise auf das Verhältnis zwischen Unternehmen und Gesellschaft. 67 ausgewiesene Autoren aus dem gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum …
Thomas Osburg & René Schmidpeter: Social Innovation
​Social Innovation is becoming an increasingly important topic in our global society. Those organizations which are able to develop business solutions to the most urgent social and ecological …
Christina Weidinger & Franz Fischler: Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Sustainable Entrepreneurship stands for a business driven concept of sustainability which focusses on increasing both social as well as business value – so called Shared Value. This book shows why …
Andreas Schneider & René Schmidpeter: Corporate Social Responsibility
Diese zweite, wesentlich erweiterte Auflage des Standardwerks zur verantwortungsvollen Unternehmensführung zeigt innovative Managementansätze, die wirtschaftlichen Erfolg und gesellschaftlichen …
Brunhilde Schram & René Schmidpeter: CSR und Organisationsentwicklung
Dieses Buch verbindet bestehende Konzepte, innovative Managementansätze und Best Practices aus der Unternehmensrealität und zeigt wie CSR als strategischer Ansatz in der Organisationsentwicklung (OE) …
Patrick Bungard & René Schmidpeter: CSR in Nordrhein-Westfalen
Dieses Buch beschreibt die Entwicklungen im Bundesland Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) im Themenfeld Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) aus völlig unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln. Dabei werden die …
Reinhard Altenburger & René Schmidpeter: CSR und Familienunternehmen
In diesem Band werden neben Impulsen aus der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Diskussion die Besonderheiten mittelständischer als auch großer Familienunternehmen in Hinblick auf ihre gesellschaftliche …
Marina Schmitz & René Schmidpeter: CSR in Rheinland-Pfalz
Dieses Buch liefert Ihnen Managementwissen zur Corporate Social Responsibility Dieses Buch beschreibt die Entwicklungen im Bundesland Rheinland-Pfalz im Bereich Corporate Social R …
Belén Díaz Díaz & Nicholas Capaldi: Responsible Business in a Changing World
This book explores the current state of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) from an international perspective, the goal being to share ideas and visions for a sustainable future and to provide …
Nayan Mitra & René Schmidpeter: Corporate Social Responsibility in Rising Economies
Emerging economies arguably have different socio-fiscal dynamics compared to developed economies. On one side they have the need for corporate interventions in national development, on the other hand …
Reinhard Altenburger & René Schmidpeter: CSR und Künstliche Intelligenz
In diesem Buch werden neben Impulsen aus der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Diskussion Good Practice Cases von Unternehmen im Umgang mit den besonderen Herausforderungen durch den Einsatz von Künstli …
Jayati Talapatra & Nayan Mitra: Emerging Economic Models for Sustainable Businesses
The book discusses new and emerging economic models, that respond to ‚Pulling‘ and ‚Pushing‘ forces. Today we are poised at an interesting juncture, with favourable conditions making it easier …
Alexander Herzner & René Schmidpeter: CSR in Süddeutschland
Dieses Buch bietet einen fundierten Überblick der Bayerischen und Baden-Württembergischen Landschaft im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit und unternehmerischer Verantwortung (CSR). Für eine erfolgreiche …
Samuel O. Idowu & René Schmidpeter: Case Studies on Sustainability in the Food Industry
The world’s population continues to grow year after year, putting pressure on all global resources. This book provides examples of how we can deal with all the challenges associated with aspects of p …
René Schmidpeter & Reinhard Altenburger: Responsible Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence – and social responsibility. Two topics that are at the top of the business agenda.  This book discusses in theory and practice how both topics influence each other. In …
Franzisca Weder & Lars Rademacher: CSR Communication in the Media
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an established management focus of today’s companies and organizations of different types, scope and size. Communication practices on CSR and sustainability i …
Irene Guia Arraiano & Belén Díaz: Corporate Social Responsibility in a Dynamic Global Environment
This book highlights the latest research on responsible business and its practical implications for the economy, society, academia, and politics. It presents selected contributions from respected sch …
Rute Abreu & Nicholas Capaldi: Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management
This encyclopedia is the most comprehensive and up-to-date source of reference for sustainability in business and management. It covers both traditional and emerging concepts and terms and is fully …
Belén Díaz Díaz & Samuel O. Idowu: Building Global Societies Towards an ESG World
This book provides insightful approaches to how to improve business sustainability. The volume includes an integrated analysis of different relevant aspects of Environmental, Social, and Governance&# …