Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) plays a dominant role in real-time interaction sensing of biomolecular binding events and with the biosensor field expanding more applications are being found. In response to the market, an update to the original title which was published in 2008 is now appropriate. With over fifty percent of the material being updated, this book provides a total system description including optics, fluidics and sensor surfaces.
Spanning theory, instrumentation and applications, it covers all the relevant issues for the practicing researcher. Unlocking the potential for SPR by showing highly exciting and unique opportunities for unraveling the functional relationships of complex biological processes, it is intended for a wide audience. A comprehensive and accessible source it contains expanded tutorial details to inspire students and guide them in this technology.
Introduction to Surface Plasmon Resonance; History and Physics of Surface Plasmon Resonance; Surface Plasmon Resonance Instruments; SPRpages- Getting a Feeling for the Curves; Detailed Analysis of Kinetic Binding Traces with Distributions of Surface Sites; Surface Chemistry in SPR Technology; Fragment and Low Molecular Weight Compound Analysis; Combined Antibody Characterization: High-throughput Ranking, Binning and Mapping; Treating Raw Data: Software for SPR Applications; Biolayer Interferometry (Octet) for Label-free Biomolecular Interaction Sensing; Strategies for Building Protein-Glycosaminoglycan Interaction Networks Combining SPRi, SPR and BLI; Future Trends in SPR Technology