Knowledge is not so much
The filling of a vessel
As the lighting of a fire
Understanding is not so much
The assembly of parts
As the wonderment of discovery
Wisdom is not so much
The union of fire and discovery
As the tranquility within the storm
Inspiration is not so much
The elation of epiphany
But to see life with new eyes
Enlightenment is not so much
The invigoration of the soul
But the realization of the unseen
The Path Lies Within
Über den Autor
Living among an array of cultures Richard has learned everyone shares a unity in their separated beliefs that imprudently divide the peoples of the world. Through trials of culture, ego, and misunderstandings from human frailty Richard has grown to adopt the motto “Through Inspiration I Create Enlightenment”. All share the common follies of childhood, the pangs of learning life’s lessons as we grow, and even the most sacredly held scriptures in all cultures state the same thing and seek the same conclusion. “A link to something beyond all of us in a worldly condition, a link to The Devine.” By the state of being inspired, by connecting to The Devine that created one and all, one can share The Light of Enlightenment from The Source as one candle shares The Light of Enlightenment with another and never be diminished for having done so. If we live in this Virtue we can live in harmony, we can share the eternal and abundant light, and all can prosper in its Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom, Inspiration, and Enlightenment.