Autor: Robert C. Crosby

(2012) Robert C. Crosby is a communicator, a ministry leader and writer. He is Professor of Practical Theology at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. He and his wife, Pamela, have pastored for over 25 years, in New York, Ohio, and Boston. He has served as a Vice President at Southeastern University and currently is training a new generation of young ministers there as Professor of Practical Theology. Dr.Crosby has written several books including More Than A Savior which wasrecently released by Random House/Multnomah as a Kindle and Nook e-book. He hasa blog and column at andis a contributing writer to Christianity Today, Leadership J

3 Ebooks von Robert C. Crosby

Robert C. Crosby: More than a Savior
Robert C. Crosby: The Teaming Church
A committee is not the same thing as a team. To become a great team, a group must have a goal that is deeply challenging, a leader who is creatively empowering, and a willingness to work within a col …