Poverty As My Teacher describes the birth of the initiative: Leading the Way Out of Global Poverty® with Sustainable Family Communities® which are designed with the economic and social/cultural factors necessary to be repeatable, sustainable and scalable.
This is an initiative that can truly eradicate poverty, one Community at a time, as opposed to what most projects do – provide some help to people who continue to live in poverty (Yes, clean water, sanitation, etc. are needed, but do not eliminate poverty).
At the core is a commercial business that exists only for the higher purpose of creating a path from extreme poverty of urban slums to a decent quality of life (for those who choose to follow it). This Economic Engine creates new jobs, wages, training, benefits and ownership for over 100 workers in organic food production. 100% of its annual profits are reinvested in three goals:
1. Ongoing training and development opportunities for the workers and their families.
2. Creating a small, poverty-free community around itself where residents can live with dignity and pride.
3. Replicating itself by nurturing start-up of another new Economic Engine every year (for another 100 workers and another community), thus creating its own exponential growth to eliminate extreme poverty one Community at a time.
All done with no government subsidies or ongoing donations.
Leveraging expertise of over 800 individuals, organizations and universities, the nonprofit Our Family Orphan Communities, Inc. has the design and framework for this initiative and will donate it to any influential leader that demonstrates the passion to reduce poverty, and who invites their executive director to discuss it with them in person. They will guide and assist in its implementation, operation and expansion to ensure that each poverty-free community will have a sustainable economy, environment, food-supply and society for generations to come. All benefits accrue to the people, economy and society of the country. A special benefit is reduction of the number of orphans as poverty is the primary cause of children being in orphanages.
Testimonials ………………………………………….. i
Foreword ……………………………………………… xix
Preface ………………………………………………… 1
Acknowledgements …………………………………… 13
Introduction……………………………………………. 15
PART ONE …………………………………………… 23
Learning from Impoverished Communities Living in extreme poverty Islands of prosperity-a new concept
PART TWO …………………………………………… 51
An Alternative to Past Failures – Sustainable
Family Communities (SFCs)
Principles and considerations ……………………. 55 Countries relying on healthy communities Building the antithesis of poverty Searching for a better community model
Design …………………………………………… 63 Designing a sustainable community A closer look at sustainability Where these communities are appropriate Vision of Our Family Orphan Communities Goals of a Sustainable Family Community
Operations ……………………………………….. 77 Structure and governance of SFCs
1.Our Family Orphan Communities (O.F.O.C.)
2.Country Leadership Organization (CLO)
3.Communities Decision making and controls
Sustainable Family Communities
Financials ………………………………………… 85 Financial model Funding of SFC construction Community size limit
PART THREE ………………………………………….. 95
Implementing Sustainable Family Communities
Phase 1 – Preparation and Planning …………………… 99 Presentation to introduce the Community Need-want assessment Government support and collaboration Country Leadership Organization (CLO) Implementation team Community ownership Site-specific design Support structure Selection and training of business workers Planning for selection and training of residents Volunteer organization
Phase 2 – Acquisition of Land and Installing Initial
Infrastructure ………………………………………… 107 Acquisition of land Water for the Community Energy for the Community Biomass waste conversion Sanitation system Gray water and irrigation Parking and roads
Phase 3 – Establishing the Economy …………………. 119 Cellular lightweight concrete blocks Aquaponics, aquaculture and greenhouse
Contents Farming/agriculture Apartments/flats/temporary housing Job-skills training Maintenance Security and safety
Phase 4 – Small Business Creation ……………………. 135 Administration Stores, shops and small businesses Boutique/eco hotel RV park and camping Healthcare services Credit union/micro-finance Service learning/volunteer experience Workshop on building SFCs Other potential businesses
Phase 5 – Families – Selection and Assimilation ……. 151 Single-family homes Park and children’s playground Education Adoption services Recreation and sports facilities Activities and cultural center Spiritual center Food forest and permaculture gardens
Phase 6 – Scaling, Replication and Support …………. 165 National and international support International digital network of resources and information about SFCs Growth of the network internationally Scalability of the initiative
Sustainable Family Communities
PART FOUR …………………………………………. 171
Bringing It All together Benefits, opportunities and potential Summary
………………………………………………. 181 Frequently asked questions – FAQ Corporate guiding values Article
Contact information …………………………………. 199
Über den Autor
Bob Miller is an international entrepreneur, author, speaker and consultant. He has traveled in 47 countries and worked in 21, being billed out for up to $5, 000/day.
He has 3 degrees: A.A.S.-Electronics, B.A. and M.S.-Psychology. He also has over 3, 000 hours of additional professional education programs. Bob is a member or past member of MENSA, Rotary International, National Speakers Association, International Platform Assn., Wisconsin Professional Speakers Assn., American Society for Training and Development, Toastmasters International and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
While living in Mexico for 7 years, he became the adopted father of two orphans. The experience of seeing the developmental differences between his children being raised in a family and their friends still in institutions led him to begin Our Family Orphan Communities, Inc. a 501(c)3 nonprofit working to, 1. reduce poverty which results in children being abused, abandoned, trafficked and put in orphanages and 2. help families who desire to adopt orphans to do so. O.F.O.C. is now Leading the Way Out of Global Poverty® with poverty-free Sustainable Family Communities®.
Bob has accepted this calling and has chosen to dedicate his life full time, 24/7, to helping those in extreme poverty to create Communities that have a self-sustainable economy, environment, food supply and society. He has written about this in his latest book, Poverty as my Teacher – Learning to Create Sustainable Family Communities