Autor: Robert L. Canfield

Darrell L. Whiteman is Professor Cultural Anthropology in the E. Stanley Jones School of World Mission and Evangelism, Asbury Theological Seminary, and Editor of the journal „Missiology“. He received his B.A. from Seattle Pacific University and his Ph.D. in anthropology from Southern Illinois University. He has research and mission experience in Central Africa, the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. His research and writing focus on missionaries as agents of culture change, Third World development, and indigenous Christianity. He actively works with different organizations and denominations in training people for cross cultural ministry. He lives with his wife Laurie, and children Geoffrey and Julia in Wilmore, Kentucky.

6 Ebooks von Robert L. Canfield

Robert L. Canfield & Gabriele Rasuly-Paleczek: Ethnicity, Authority, and Power in Central Asia
This book examines the perspectives and issues of variously situated peoples in Greater Central Asia in terms of four major issues: government repression, ethnic group perspectives, devices of mutual …
Robert L. (Washington University, St. Louis, USA) Canfield & Gabriele (University of Vienna, Austria) Rasuly-Paleczek: Ethnicity, Authority, and Power in Central Asia
The peoples of Greater Central Asia – not only Inner Asian states of Soviet Union but also those who share similar heritages in adjacent countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan, Iran, and the Chinese …
Robert L. (Washington University, St. Louis, USA) Canfield & Gabriele (University of Vienna, Austria) Rasuly-Paleczek: Ethnicity, Authority, and Power in Central Asia
The peoples of Greater Central Asia – not only Inner Asian states of Soviet Union but also those who share similar heritages in adjacent countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan, Iran, and the Chinese …
M. Nazif Shahrani: Modern Afghanistan
What impact does 40 years of war, violence, and military intervention have on a country and its people? As the ‚global war on terror‘ now stretches into the 21st century with no clear end in sight, I …
M. Nazif Shahrani & Robert L. Canfield: Revolutions and Rebellions in Afghanistan
When originally published in 1984, Revolutions and Rebellions in Afghanistan provided the first focused consideration of the 1978 Saur Revolution and the subsequent Soviet invasion and occupation of …
Robert L. Canfield: Jerusalem Burning
The Babylonian attack on Jerusalem in 587 BCE forced upon the Israelite survivors the realization that Yahweh, one of the gods they had venerated, was an overwhelming presence in their affairs. The a …