Empower students to be the change—join the teaching mathematics for social justice movement!
We live in an era in which students have —through various media and their lived experiences— a more visceral experience of social, economic, and environmental injustices. However, when people think of social justice, mathematics is rarely the first thing that comes to mind. Through model lessons developed by over 30 diverse contributors, this book brings seemingly abstract high school mathematics content to life by connecting it to the issues students see and want to change in the world.
Along with expert guidance from the lead authors, the lessons in this book explain how to teach mathematics for self- and community-empowerment. It walks teachers step-by-step through the process of using mathematics—across all high school content domains—as a tool to explore, understand, and respond to issues of social injustice including: environmental injustice; wealth inequality; food insecurity; and gender, LGBTQ, and racial discrimination. This book features:
- Content cross-referenced by mathematical concept and social issues
- Downloadable instructional materials for student use
- User-friendly and logical interior design for daily use
- Guidance for designing and implementing social justice lessons driven by your own students’ unique passions and challenges
Timelier than ever, teaching mathematics through the lens of social justice will connect content to students’ daily lives, fortify their mathematical understanding, and expose them to issues that will make them responsive citizens and leaders in the future.
Preface by NCTM Past-President Robert Berry and NCSM Past-President John Staley
Part I
Chapter 1 Why is Social Justice and Why Does it Matter in Teaching Mathematics
What Do We Mean by Social Justice?
What is Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice
Why Social Justice in Mathematics Education
Reflection and Action
Chapter 2 Getting Ready for Classroom
Context Matters
Context Matters
When Matters
How Matters
Chapter 3 Instructional Tools for the Social Justice Mathematics Lesson
Establishing Goals
Assessign Purposefully
Teaching Equitably
Managing Discourse
Reflection and Action
Chapter 4 Teaching the Social Justice Mathematics Lesson
Social Justice Mathematics Framework
Planning to Implement SJML
Last Words Before You Go Teach
Reflection and action
Part II
Chapter 5 Number and Quantity
5.1 The Mathematics of Transformation Resistance by Mary Candance
5.2 Do Just Some Students Take Honors Course? By Basil Conway
5.3 LISTEN to GLSEN by Bryan Meyer and John W. Staley
5.4 Estimated Wealthy Distribution in USA and the World by Enrique Ortiz
Chapter 6 Algebra and Functions
6.1 Children at the Border: Looking at the Numbers by Samantha Fletcher and Holly Anthony
6.2 Climate Change in Alaska by Basil Conway IV
6.3 Culturally Relevant Income Inequality by Andrew Reardon
6.4 Intersectionality and The Wage Gap by Stacy Jones, Carlos Gomez, HIlary Tanck, and Eric Siy
6.5 Literacy: What matters and why? By Frances Harper and Stephanie Orr
6.6 What′s a Fair Living Wage? By Frances Harper
6.7 What′s the Cost of Glbalization? By Allyson Hallman-Thrasher and Rachel Eriksen Brown
Chapter 7 Statistics and Probability
7.1 A False Positive by Bryan Meyer
7.2 Are you a Citizen? 2020 Census by Travis Weiland and Lisa Poling
7.3 ‚BBQ, Becky, ‚ Policing, and racial Justice by Mary Raygoza
7.4 Do Postal Codes Predict Test Scores? by Allyson Lam
7.5 Humanizing the Immigration Debate by Aysenur Ozturk and Steve Lewis
7.6 Prison Population by Cristina Tyris
7.7 Sampling Disaster by Ginny Powell and America Powell
Chapter 8 Geometry
8.1 Bringing Healthy Food Choices to Desert by Shakiyya Bland
8.2 Gerrymandering by Sven A. Carlsson
8.3 Making Mathematical Sense of Food Justice by Jessica Davidson, Dr. Steven Greenstein, Debasmita Bas, and Julia Davidson
8.4 Paralympics by Eric Siy, Stacy R. Jones, Carlos, Nicholas Gomez, and HIlary Tanck
Part III
Chatper 9 Voices from the Field
Success Implementing SJMLs
Planning for and Responding to Challenges
Additional Advice to Colleagues Implementing SJMLs
Closing Thoughts from Our Contributors
Chapter 10 Creating Social Justice Mathematics Lessons for your Own Classroom
Setting a Framework for an Effective SJML
Getting Started
Final Words
Appendix A Recommended readings & resources
Appendix B Resources names in lessons
Appendix C Mathematical Essential Concepts
Appendix D Social Justice Standards & Topics
Appendix E Lessons by Math Content, Social Justice Outcomes, and Social Justice Topics
Appendix F SJML Planner
Über den Autor
John W. Staley, Ph.D., has been involved in mathematics education for over 35 years as a secondary mathematics teacher, adjunct professor, district and national leader, and consultant. During his career he has presented at state, national, and international conferences; served on many committees and task forces; facilitated workshops and professional development sessions on a variety of topics; and received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics and Science. A past president for NCSM, the mathematics education leadership organization, and past chair of the U.S. National Commission on Mathematics Instruction, he continues to serve on several advisory boards and is a co-founder of Math Milestones. He is a coauthor for Middle School (2023) and High School (2022) Mathematics Lessons to Explore, Understand, and Respond to Social Injustice (Corwin/NCTM), Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics: Initiating Critical Conversations (NCTM), and Framework for Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM). John’s current passion and work focuses on projects that involve changing the narrative about who is seen as being doers, learners, and teachers of mathematics, especially for African American boys and men; student readiness for Algebra and success during the transition years; and building mathematics education leaders at all levels. Follow at X @jstaley06 to learn more about his work.