Autor: Roberto Giorgi

Veljko Milutinović is a Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at the University of Belgrade, Serbia. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Maxeler Technologies, and a coauthor of two seminal Data Flow-oriented papers: “Moving from Petaflops (on Simple Benchmarks) to Petadata per Unit of Time and Power (on Sophisticated Benchmarks)” and “FPGA Accelerator for Floating-Point Matrix Multiplication”. Jakob Salom is a member of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He has delivered numerous Data Flow courses at a number of European universities. Nemanja Trifunovic is a Project Manager at Maxeler Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA. He is the author of a number of Maxeler-based Data Flow implementations and related tools. Roberto Giorgi is an Associate Professor of Computer Engineering at the University of Siena, Italy. He led TERAFLUX, the largest EU funded research project on Data Flow technologies.

2 Ebooks von Roberto Giorgi

Veljko Milutinović & Jakob Salom: Guide to DataFlow Supercomputing
This unique text/reference describes an exciting and novel approach to supercomputing in the Data Flow paradigm. The major advantages and applications of this approach are clearly described, and a de …
Zecchini & Vittoriano Antonucci: Magic Wars
La mafia del deep web è coinvolta nella ricerca ad un leggendario grimore di proprietà di Andrea, un mago dall’aspetto giovane ed elegante che ha degli apprendisti che per mantenersi dirigono una sal …