Autor: Roberto Mauri

Roberto Mauri is a professor of Chemical Engineering (DICCISM) at the University of Pisa, Italy. He received his B.S. and M.S. from the Politecnico di Milano and his Ph.D. from Technion, Haifa, Israel in 1984. He has been a visiting professor and teacher at MIT (Cambridge, USA), City College of CUNY and California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, USA). Professor Mauri has more than 60 publications to his name. He received the Landau prize in Tel Aviv in 1984.In 2012 he published his book „Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Multiphase Flows“ with Springer.c

5 Ebooks von Roberto Mauri

Roberto Mauri: Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Flows
This textbook provides a thorough presentation of the phenomena related to the transport of mass, momentum and energy. It lays all the basic physical principles, then for the more advanced readers, i …
Roberto Mauri: Multiphase Microfluidics: The Diffuse Interface Model
Diffuse interface (D.I.) model for muliphase flows.- Phase separation of viscous ternary liquid mixtures.- Dewetting and decomposing films of simple and complex liquids.- Phase-field models. Multipha …
utente & Roberto Mauri: Fenomeni di trasporto
Questo libro di testo trae origine dalla necessità di fornire agli studenti dei corsi di laurea triennali e di laurea specialistica in Ingegneria Chimica, Meccanica, Biomedica e Nucleare le basi dell …
Roberto Mauri: Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Multiphase Flows
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics is a general framework that allows the macroscopic description of irreversible processes. This book introduces non-equilibrium thermodynamics and its applications to th …
Roberto Mauri: Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Flows
This textbook provides a thorough presentation of the phenomena related to the transport of mass (with and without electric charge), momentum and energy. It lays all the basic physical principles, an …