Autor: Roland Eisen

A Swiss native born in 1946, Peter Zweifel is a Professor of Economics at the University of Zurich at the Socioeconomic Institute. Together with Friedrich Breyer and Matthias Kifmann, he is the author of “Health Economics” (2nd. ed., Springer, 2009); other texts (“An Economic Model of Physician Behavior”, “Insurance Economics”, “International Economics”, “Energy Economics”) are available in German only. His work has been published by the Am. Ec. Rev., Antitrust Bull., Eur. Econ. Rev., Health Econ.,  J. Health Ec., J. Risk & Ins., J. Risk & Unc., Public Choice, among others. Together with Mark Pauly  of the University of Pennsylvania, he is the founding editor of the International Journal of Health Finance and Economics (Kluwer). From 1996 to 2005, he has also served as a member of the Competition Commission, the Swiss antitrust authority.Roland Eisen born 1941 in Stuttgart (Germany), studied Economics in particular at the LMU in Munich, got his Dr. degree there in 1971 with a thesis about „Economic Growth and Technical Progress“, wrote his second thesis about „Insurance Equilibrium“ in 1977 (published 1979). He served for 13 years as a research assistant at the Institut of Insurance Economics at Munich“s LMU. After appointments at the University of Bamberg and at the Technical University Munich-Weihenstephan he was appointed as full professor at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.His research fields are insurance economics, labour economics, economics of social policy, health economics (in particular long term care), as well as macroeconomics.

8 Ebooks von Roland Eisen

Peter Zweifel & Roland Eisen: Insurance Economics
‚Winner of the 2014 Kulp-Wright Book Award Presented by the American Risk and Insurance Association‘.More information can be found here: Insurance Economics b …
Roland Eisen & Frank A. Sloan: Long-Term Care: Economic Issues and Policy Solutions
Ensuring long-term care (LTC) is one of the most urgent problems in health care today. Demographic trends are expected to lead to a higher proportion of old and very old people in the global populati …
Roland Eisen & Peter Zweifel: Versicherungsökonomie
Das Buch macht den Leser mit den zentralen Fragestellungen und dem analytischen Werkzeug der Versicherungsökonomik vertraut. Es führt Beiträge zur Nachfrage nach Versicherung, zum Angebot an Versiche …
David L. Eckles & Roland Eisen: Insurance Economics
Insurance Economics brings together the economic analysis of decision making under risk, risk management and demand for insurance among individuals and corporations, objectives pursued and management …