Your easy-to-follow guide to the latest research, treatments, and medications!
The pain you suffer from fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is not in your imagination. FMS is a real medical problem that can be as debilitating and demoralizing as it is mysterious. Fibromyalgia For Dummies, Second Edition, brings you the latest scientific findings on the symptoms and causes of this disease and guides you toward proven, practical steps you can take reduce or eliminate FMS-related pain.
This plain-English guide is fully updated with the latest fibromyalgia treatment options, and evaluations of new medications that have shown great promise in reducing pain. You’ll discover how to spot an array of symptoms and their possible causes, work with your physician to develop a treatment plan, and manage your pain at home and in the office. You’ll learn how to:
- Identify your FMS trigger points
- Cope with chronic pain and sleep problems
- Find medications that work for you
- Locate a physician who can really help you
- Make healing lifestyle changes
- Use hands-on therapies to alleviate pain
- Find effective over-the-counter and prescription medications
- Choose among alternative therapies and treatments
- Reduce the emotional distress caused by FMS
- Help a child with FMS
Featuring moving and inspiring stories from fellow FMS sufferers who share their stories and offer invaluable tips on working your way back to wellness, Fibromyalgia for Dummies, Second Edition offers serious and sensitive guidance to help you overcome FMS and start being yourself again.
Introduction 1
Part I: The What, When, and Why of Fibromyalgia 7
Chapter 1: Yes, Fibromyalgia Is Real 9
Chapter 2: Recognizing Key Symptoms of Fibromyalgia 21
Chapter 3: Understanding Possible Causes of Fibromyalgia 37
Chapter 4: Understanding Fibromyalgia Pain 57
Part II: Finding Out Whether You Have Fibromyalgia 67
Chapter 5: Who Gets Picked to Have Fibromyalgia? 69
Chapter 6: Identifying Diseases Often Confused with Fibromyalgia 75
Chapter 7: Working with a Good Fibromyalgia Doc: You Need a True Believer 93
Chapter 8: Getting Physical: Your Initial Exam and Diagnosis 105
Part III: Looking At All Your Treatment Options 119
Chapter 9: Medicating the Problem: Over-the-Counter Drugs May Help 121
Chapter 10: Prescribing Health with Medications 131
Chapter 11: Using Hands-On Therapies 147
Chapter 12: Considering Alternative Remedies and Treatments 161
Part IV: Modifying Your Lifestyle: Small Changes, Big Results 175
Chapter 13: Depressurizing Yourself: Controlling the Stress-Eyed Monster 177
Chapter 14: Sweet Dreams! Combating Sleep Disorders 189
Chapter 15: Exercising, Losing Weight, and Avoiding Trigger Foods and Drinks 203
Chapter 16: Coping with Emotions: Your Own 217
Part V: Managing Fibromyalgia at Work and at Home 227
Chapter 17: Working with Fibromyalgia — Or Going on Disability 229
Chapter 18: Helping Loved Ones Deal with Your Fibromyalgia 243
Chapter 19: Helping Someone You Care About Who’s Hurting 257
Chapter 20: Parenting a Child or Adolescent with Fibromyalgia 267
Part VI: The Part of Tens 279
Chapter 21: Ten Alternative Remedies That Help People with Fibromyalgia 281
Chapter 22: Ten Mistakes to Avoid When You Have Fibromyalgia 287
Chapter 23: Ten Ways to Beat the Effects of Brain Fog 293
Chapter 24: Ten Myths about Fibromyalgia 297
Part VII: Appendixes 301
Appendix A: Glossary 303
Appendix B: Fibromyalgia Medications 307
Appendix C: Resources and Support 315
Index 321
Über den Autor
Roland Staud, MD, an experienced rheumatologist, is a diplomat of the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Rheumatology. Christine Adamec has been a freelance medical writer for over 20 years.