Autor: Roman Beck

Horst Treiblmaier is Professor and Head of the Department of International Management at MODUL University Vienna, Austria. Previously, he was a Visiting Professor at Purdue University, UCLA and UBC. His work has appeared in journals such as Information Systems Journal, Structural Equation Modeling, Journal of Business Economics, Information & Management, Communications of the AIS, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research,   Schmalenbach Business Review and  DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems. He serves as an AE at AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction. His research interests include Blockchain, gamification, Physical Internet, e-commerce and methodological issues in social science research. Roman Beck is Professorof IT Management and Leadership at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark. His research spans the area of Information Systems, focusing on Services Science, IT Leadership and e-finance, including business processes, innovative information and communication systems. He has published in international journals such as MIS Quarterly, Journal of Information Technology and Electronic Markets, and contributed to a number of international conferences in the area of Information Systems. 

6 Ebooks von Roman Beck

Horst Treiblmaier & Roman Beck: Business Transformation through Blockchain
This edited collection offers a number of contributions from leading scholars investigating Blockchain and its implications for business. Focusing on the transformation of the overall value chain, th …
Markus Luber & Roman Beck: Christus und die Religionen
Interreligiosität, Interkulturalität und Dialog sind heute Schlüsselkategorien einer weltkirchlich ausgerichteten Theologie. Im kreativen Umfeld der Theologie der Religionen gibt es vielfältige Ansät …
Markus Patenge & Roman Beck: Schöpfung bewahren
Es ist erstaunlich, dass die Kirche bis zur Enzyklika ‚Laudato si‘ zurückhaltend mit globalen Herausforderungen wie Klimawandel, Migrationsströme etc. umgegangen ist, denn sie betreffen die Menschen …
Roman Beck: The Network(ed) Economy
Modern communication channels together with new electronic media stan­ dards are constantly changing traditional interaction patterns of humans and even machines In an increasingly globalized and net …
Roman Beck: Transparenz in der biomedizinischen Forschung
Transparenz gehört zu den Schlüsselbegriffen unserer Zeit. Mit moralischem Impetus wird der Begriff immer dann bemüht, wenn Machenschaften verheimlicht bzw. wichtige Informationen zurückgehalten werd …
Horst Treiblmaier & Roman Beck: Business Transformation through Blockchain
The second volume of this edited collection offers a number of contributions from leading scholars investigating Blockchain and its implications for business. Focusing on the transformation of the ov …