A)’5th/Final Touch Edition’written over 12yrs, 10 mos; For Paperback, be sure to order ‚New‘ to assure you’re getting the latest Final Touch Edition.
B) Intended Relaxation You Tube Session, Id’d in 5.3.1 of Book, now Unavailable. See Details contained in following Blog Post addressing Options:….
As Strong, as Complete, & as Influential you’ll find in a ‚True‘ Self-Help Book; especially per the “5th/Final Touch Edition”…
You think God Created us thinking we Need man made medication to deal with our Mental Health Issues? I Certainly Don’t Think So (!)… Book addresses the Natural Answer/Solution to Our Mental Health Issues (Mind, Body, & Spirit), allowing us to Turn Lives Around, if Suffer, & subsequently to Flourish! All We Can Do for Ourselves, NATURALLY! Yeah, if this didn’t Work I’d be Gone!
Reading Book will Educate the Average Individual who struggles some with negativity/Stresses, on How Best to Optimize their Game plan in Life. When Sufferers Read & Work this TRUE Self-Help Book, this is when It’s True Power is Felt/Understood! For those who Struggle with not only Anxiety/Depression, but for most MH Issues; PTSD, OCD, ADD, ADHD, Addiction Recovery, BPD, Bipolar 2 at least; exceptions if suffer w/Brain Trauma.
It’s All about a Tremendous Education from a X-Sufferer as I am now, along w/Professionals She Knew and Trusted. Then, lots of Growth & Experience (40+ yrs, with 68 yrs being on Earth), along with additional down times in Life. Key Additions were added which were Huge for me, and Certainly would be Important for any Sufferer… I was a Significant Sufferer with A&D & OCD, for 25 years; A Worse Caser! I Do Not Want To See Anyone Go Thru This or Similar, & This Has Been My #1 Incentive In Writing This Book, after starting to write this to Help, if not Save Son after I Saved myself. I Certainly Understand what it is like when Anxiety and Depression goes unchecked; (4) times in a psych wards…attempted pulling the plug twice. This True Self-Helper encompasses All We Can Do as humans to Take Care of Ourselves. Bottom Line, We All have to do the Work Ourselves in Life Unquestionably! And without Change, there is no change in the way we Think & Operate which is Key! After So Many Years of Education/Growth/Experience (40+ years now), Can’t Imagine in a TRUE Self-Help Book, there Could Be Anything Better!
This Book’s True Power & Importance, based on Tying these Key Pieces together:
1.) Optimum/Proven, Detailed Positivity Tools/Skills Process, w/Full Instruction set teaches us How Best To Change Our negative thoughts and mindset to Positive Thoughts and Mindset. This is the Bottom Line Key to Rid Ourselves from negativity which is root cause of most of Our Issues in Life (i.e. those individual neg. thoughts/& sources of, Self-Personalizing Process). Process allows us to Develop & Build-Up Our Inner Strength & Positivity Threshold.
2.) Spiritual/Faith Growth Needs… (ref. sect. 4). To Amend or Establish a Strong Foundation, the Basis of Our Positivity, & Helps us through Recovery, especially for Serious Levels of Depression & when dealing with matters outside our control…Helps Dealing with Life’s Issues which push past our Positivity Threshold! In Sum this Solidifies Everything & Our Peace Of Mind! & YES, Need Our #1 DEPENDENCE!… God :)!
3) Of Course Exercise, Eating Well, and Power in laughter/:)s also addressed…
Go to Blog post : elaborating on Book’s Substance/Effectiveness per what Known & have witnessed w/Book in Hand
Read On for You and Your Loved Ones!
God Bless!
Author Ron
Über den Autor
35 years + Experience = approximately 25 years with Significant Levels of A & D (4 times in those facilities and beyond), 10 years of a Recovery via Amazing/ Proven Tools came across, and Additional key elements provided due to what I Learned and what I Wrote about (through 59 years (now) of Life). The Book makes it clear, Experience trumps education in understanding sufferers and what it really takes to truly Help; ‚Professionals‘ likely can be misleading…
What I learned and wrote about Saved my Life. My Son would have been on a similar route as well unless I caught him after graduating College. And now, to see the Power of this Self-Help Book in the hands of Two People in their 20s in my apartment complex, and the Positive difference it has made in a relatively short time period, Really Blew Me Away and Validated Everything About the Book’s Effectiveness and Why I Wrote It! It Absolutely Humbled Me and Beyond… So Yeah I say again, in a ‚True Self-Help/Self-Select Book‘ Form, There Cannot Be Anything Better!
Oh, I have included (2) Videos in the Look Inside Or Purchase Book tab, both in the same Hollywood setting :); don’t call me Ronny De Niro :). And Please, We are talking about a Book here and not the ability of the Author to Act, nor for the Author to be part of a Popularity contest :); it is Hardly what this is all about…