Autor: Rosamaria Loretelli

Rosamaria Loretelli is Professor of English Literature at Naples Federico II University. She has written books on the Spanish picaresque and on its British and European reception; on seventeenth and eighteenth-century popular literature of crime; and on eighteenth-century narrative theory. In a forthcoming book she relates the rise of the novel to the eighteenth-century reading revolution.Frank O“Gorman taught History at the University of Manchester throughout his career, where he is now Professor Emeritus. He is an authority on eighteenth-century Britain, specialising in the development of political parties, political ideology, public opinion and elections and political ritual and public performances.

1 Ebooks von Rosamaria Loretelli

Rosamaria Loretelli & Frank O’Gorman: Britain and Italy in the Long Eighteenth Century
The essays in this collection range across literature, aesthetics, music and art, and explore such themes as the dynamics of change in eighteenth-century aesthetics; time, modernity and the picturesq …