This book draws on the author’s four decades of study and writing about the relationship between astro-cycles, world affairs and human behaviour, while practising Buddhism to discipline his motivation. It completes a quartet of astrology books. The first two introduce astrology’s workings and its potential to clarify decisions in the modern world. A third, published in 2009, shows that astro-cycles reveal the intrinsic shortcomings of the world economy.
‘Reversing the Race to Global Destruction’ takes account of what has happened since 2009 against the astro-cycles immediately ahead. Can the present world economic and socio/political systems manage our affairs, without increasing economic uncertainty, conflict and ultimate collapse?
Part one of the book uses astro-cycles to assess and describe the inadequacy of post-2008 attempts to sustain our present world economy. The apparent recovery for some is based on borrowed time that is fast running out. Why do an increasing number of people feel side-lined, many are desperate and hardly able to survive? Does existence have to be no more than a constant aspiration to grow and consume? Has it always been like this? Are the media, political, academic systems and the laws, rules and regulations that support this ever-expanding materialistic society shutting out better workable alternatives?
Part Two of the book identifies a Golden Standard based on unshakeable principles of kindness, before all other considerations. It then looks again at how business, media, political, academic, and the practice of law would be enhanced and made more effective if guided uncompromisingly by such standards. This builds to a vision of a world that takes down barriers and people work together for the benefit of everyoneؙ; the very opposite to the way of the world of early 2017.
This book is a seed or contribution to the many movements of healing human relationships that must emerge, if the world is to survive and move on from dark messages of fanaticism, greed and selfishness that threaten our planet and our lives upon it.
Ways to Global Destruction
1 The ‚Global Race‘- the Problem not the Solution
Consequences of ignoring the Jupiter-Saturn rhythm. Believing in something better. Our times force us to change. Breaking the barriers to a better world.
Chapter 2 The Problem with Economics
When profit is the enemy of an efficient economy. The nemesis of exploitative capitalism. Globalisation. How long can growth last? The nemesis of self-deception. A better system of enterprise.
3 The Problem with Rules and the Law
The mass deceptions of ‚absolute truths‘. Rules and laws that divide. Rules as statements of social fashion that divide nations. Principles could unite us. Using astrology to understand what seems to divide us. The unifying good heart that sets us free.
4 The Problem with Today’s Science & Education
The benefits of modern science. The problems of modern science. Clarifying the limits of reductionist science. Spiritual values can contain misuse of scientific discovery. The transitory history of ‚absolute truth‘. Initiating the new generation in our modern world. We are educating our children in the secular faith. Education for a happy world.
5 The Problem with Society
Warrior states and empires. Contemporary societies. Cultural dictatorship by the ‚meritocracy‘. The aristocraticisation of the proletariat. All kinds of better people can create better worlds.
6 The Problem with the Media & Politics
What’s on the news? Marketing for money. Entertainment. The problem of politicians. The intelligent voter uses astro-cycles. Developing the right political attitude.
7 The Problem with the World
Ever-expanding world marketplace. No room to breathe. Defending ‚our way of life‘. Losing our young people. The consequences of our amoral belief system. Everyone has the solution.
Reversing the Race to Global Destruction
8 Finding Answers to All Our Problems
The rise and fall of great empires and consumer capitalism. The first step of a new way. The Golden Standard. Not the Golden Standard. Implementing the Golden Standard. Adopting the Golden Standard.
9 Applying Answers to All Our Problems
Principles are rules that unify. Establishing a principle-based system of legal precedent. Building up a new kind of case law and precedent. A right relationship with the world and each other. Science and education for better lives. Restoring freedom to ‚free enterprise‘. Astro-cycles indicate growth-based capitalism’s endgame. Aquarian answers?. Free enterprise for all. A political process all can embrace. Real communications.
10 Using Astrology to Answer Problems
Answering world problems. The astrology of the perpetuation of suffering. The destruction of the Jewish temple. The Middle East Mandate. The astrology of a missed opportunity. Isil – the endgame of revenge. Solving problems by looking through others‘ eyes. How to transform suffering into happiness. Forgiving the unforgivable – unity in international affairs. Believing such forgiveness is possible. Forgiving the unacceptable. Forgiveness in the twenty-first century.
11 Open Borders – the Heart of the Answer
Borders that do not protect. Removing artificial borders; Golden Standard second step. Celebrating and gaining from cultural differences. Doing better by having less. Astro-cycles and global disintegration. Astro-cycles and global regeneration. Reversing the race to global destruction.
12 Let’s Get Real!
Setbacks should encourage us to go forward. Handling setbacks that undermine ordinary life. Good heals wounds. Give goodness time to grow. Not an impossible dream. Not a dream at all. The Anthem of Love.
Über den Autor
Roy Gillett’s horoscope clearly indicates a quest to benefit society and ask challenging questions. He studied deeply from his teen years, while working in the City of London, and then became a school-teacher and voluntary organiser. From his mid-thirties he focused full time on astrology and Buddhism; travelling, learning and teaching in around fifty countries. Since September 1978 he has been following the news and using astro-cycles to explain events and people.