Autor: Sallianne Hines

Sallianne Hines is a great fan of all things Austen. After publishing numerous nonfiction articles and essays, she decided to try her hand at fiction and followed the adage to „write the book you want to read.“ The result was her first novel, Love & Stones, a contemporary Austenesque novel, available June 2020. This book, the story of Kitty Bennet, is her second novel written, first published. Two more novels are in progress in her Austenesque „Mothers, Sisters, Friends“ group of books. The Pleasure of Her Company (Mrs. Dashwood“s story) will launch August 2020. Sallianne is a lifelong horsewoman, mother of three, grandmother of eight, and shares her home with a boss cat and two dogs (who give way to said cat). They all live in a little house on the prairie. Really. You can reach her at or on her author pages at Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or

4 Ebooks von Sallianne Hines