Updated INPP training manual for determining immature neuromotor skills in children and associated interventions to improve neuromotor ability
The substantially revised and expanded Second Edition of Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning is a long-established INPP training manual that has been consistently proven in practice which includes neuromotor skill tests for children, a developmental movement program, and information about paid online access to INPP video training materials.
The book comprises two main sections: Simple screening tests for use by teachers in schools to investigate whether immature neuromotor skills are a factor in children who are under-performing in literacy, numeracy, and writing or who may be underachieving, as well as a developmental movement program designed to be introduced into schools as a class-based activity, which is carried out under teacher supervision for 10 minutes per day, every day over the course of one academic year.
The manual is not intended to be used as a stand alone assessment for diagnostic purposes, but rather a simple means of screening for physical factors which can underlie specific learning difficulties and underachievement, and which respond to the school intervention program.
Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning includes information on:
- Simple tests to identify signs of difficulty with visual tracking, control of saccadic eye movements, and aberrant reflex response
- Testing gross muscle coordination and balance via the Tandem Walk and walking on the outsides of the feet (the Fog test)
- Assessing visual-auditory-speech recognition of sounds, including individual sounds, sound blends, syllables, and synthesis of the three
- Utilizing various neuromotor tests, including the Romberg test, the one leg stand, crossing the midline, and the finger and thumb opposition test for qualitative purposes.
Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning is an essential guide for teachers who want to identify children who may be under-achieving as a result of immature motor skills, implement the INPP screening test and/or program into their lessons, as well as researchers interested in using the screening test to evaluate children’s neuromotor skills and efficacy of various intervention programs.
About the Companion Website vii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Rationale for Screening and Remediation of Neuromotor Immaturity 2
1.3 What is the INPP? 2
1.4 The INPP Developmental Movement Programme for Schools 3
1.5 What is Neuromotor Immaturity? 4
1.6 What is the Significance of Primitive Reflexes to Education? 5
1.7 What are Primitive Reflexes? 5
1.8 What is the Significance of Neuromotor Maturity to Education? 6
1.9 What is the Purpose of Developmental Screening Tests? 8
1.10 Why Assess Posture and Balance? 9
1.11 Why Carry Out Assessments for Balance? 9
1.12 What is the Difference Between Static Balance and Dynamic Balance? 10
1.13 What is the Significance of Postural Control in Learning? 10
1.14 Primitive Reflexes: Why Have these Three Reflexes Been Selected for Evaluation? 11
1.15 What Evidence is there Linking Balance, Posture and Reflexes to Educational Achievement? 14
1.16 What Evidence is there that Intervention in the form of Movement Programmes Aimed at the Level of Primitive Reflexes Improves Educational Outcomes? 17
1.17 How to Use the Screening Tests 18
2 Developmental Screening Tests for Use with Children Aged 4-7 Years 23
2.1 General Instructions 23
2.2 Neuromotor Tests 25
2.3 Tests for Primitive Reflexes 37
2.4 Tests for Visual Perception and Visual-Motor Integration 44
2.5 Score Sheets for 4-7 Year Old Test 50
2.6 Observation Sheets 52
2.7 Interpreting the Scores 53
3 Developmental Screening Tests for Use with Children From 7 Years of Age 56
3.1 General Instructions 56
3.2 Tests for Gross Muscle Coordination and Balance 58
3.3 Tests for Aberrant Primitive Reflexes 62
3.4 Tests for Oculomotor Functioning 72
3.5 Tests for Visual-Speech Recognition 75
3.6 Tests for Visual Perception and Visual-Motor Integration 78
3.7 Score Sheets (7 + Test) 89
3.8 Observation Sheets (7 + Test) 90
3.9 How to Interpret the Scores 91
4 The INPP Developmental Movement Programme 94
4.1 How to Use the INPP Developmental Movement Programme 94
4.2 The Developmental Movement Programme 98
4.3 Additional Optional Exercises for Integration of Left and Right 126
4.4 Postscript 131
References 131
Appendix 1: Resources 132
A1.1 Test and Exercise Video Clips 132
A1.2 Training 132
A1.3 Supplementary Resources 132
A1.4 Other Books by the Author 132
A1.5 INPP Training Courses 133
Appendix 2: Chapter 2 Test Resources 134
A2.1 Tansley Standard Figures 134
A2.2 Vertical, Horizontal and Diagonal Lines 135
A2.3 Observation Sheet for Chapter 2 Tests 136
A2.4 Scoring Sheet for Chapter 2 Tests 139
Appendix 3: Chapter 3 Test Resources 141
A3.1 Test for Fixation, Convergence and Control of Saccades 141
A3.2 Test for Visual Integration 142
A3.3 Sound Discrimination (Individual Sounds, Sound Blends and Syllables) 143
A3.4 Sound Synthesis 144
A3.5 The Tansley Standard Visual Figures Test 145
A3.6 Adapted Bender Visual-Gestalt Test 147
A3.7 Observation Sheets for Chapter 3 149
A3.8 Scoring Sheets for Chapter 3 151
Über den Autor
Sally Goddard Blythe has an MSc. in Psychology and has been the International Director of INPP Ltd since 2000. Blythe has developed training course materials for courses offered to other professions related to education, medicine and psychology, currently offered under the umbrella of INPP International in 13 other countries.