Autor: Samita Sen

Iman Kumar Mitra has studied economics and is a research associate at the Calcutta Research Group. His doctoral dissertation explores the history of dissemination of economic knowledge in colonial Bengal through various pedagogical and institutional networks. His research interests include history of economics, migration, urbanization, and labour issues. He is currently involved in a research project on the interconnectedness between rural-urban migration, urbanization, and social justice in post-liberalization India. Ranabir Samaddar is Distinguished Chair in Migration and Forced Migration Studies, Calcutta Research Group.  He has worked extensively on issues of forced migration, the theory and practices of dialogue, nationalism and post-colonial statehood in South Asia, and new regimes of technological restructuring and labour control. His most recent publication in the form of a co-authored volume on new town and new forms of accumulation Beyond Kolkata: Rajarhat and the Dystopia of Urban Imagination (Routledge, 2013) takes forward urban studies in the context of post-colonial capitalism. Samita Sen, the first Vice-Chancellor of the Women’s University at Diamond Harbour, West Bengal, teaches at the School of Women’s Studies, Jadavpur University. She has worked extensively on labour and gender issues. Her publication includes Women and Labour in Late Colonial India: The Bengal Jute Industry (Cambridge University Press, 1999) and the co-authored monograph Domestic Days: Women, Work, and Politics in Contemporary Kolkata (Oxford University Press, 2015).  She is a member of the Calcutta Research Group.

3 Ebooks von Samita Sen

Iman Kumar Mitra & Ranabir Samaddar: Accumulation in Post-Colonial Capitalism
This volume looks at how accumulation in postcolonial capitalism blurs the boundaries of space, institutions, forms, financial regimes, labour processes, and economic segments on one hand, and create …
Achin Chakraborty & Anjan Chakrabarti: ‘Capital’ in the East
This book pursues a Marxist approach with an emphasis on class to reflect on Marx’s Capital in the context of the East. It critically reassesses some of the familiar concepts in Capital and teases ou …
Achin Chakraborty & Anjan Chakrabarti: ‚Das Kapital“ im Osten
Dieses Buch verfolgt einen marxistischen Ansatz mit dem Schwerpunkt auf der Klasse, um über Marx‘ Kapital im Kontext des Ostens nachzudenken. Es nimmt eine kritische Neubewertung einiger vertrauter K …