We all have challenges, sorrows, and troubles, but its possible to turn any adverse situation around when youre teaming up with the Lord. In this guide, a career pastor and prophet explores some of the doubts, fears, and perplexities he has experienced throughout lifeand reveals how he has relied on the power of the Holy Spirit to find answers, comfort, strength, and guidance.
In God Strong, he explains how you can use doubt to strengthen your faith, profit from lifes traumatic experiences, and partner with God to build momentum and achieve your goals. You wont get anywhere in life by relying on a church-made, miracle-manic god that loathes the self-dependent and rationally spiritual. By understanding that success is dependent on the powers of self-reliance rather than on naive expectations of divine miracles, you can discover how to be a true champion of God.
Cherish the independence and freedom inherent in direct guidance from the creator, and then do the hard work thats necessary to achieve your objectives. Turn your pains into personal gains by being God Strong.
Über den Autor
Samuel is an international motivational speaker, a career pastor, prophet, apostle, missionary, and singer. He holds a diploma in theology and a bachelor’s degree in legal studies; he is also a doctor of jurisprudence degree candidate at the William Howard Taft Law School in Santa Ana, California.
He currently lives in Houston.