Most people at some point long to escape – from the weather, the commute, the routine. Sailing off in a forty-foot boat called
Voyager comes at a price, however. Indeed, for David and Sandra Clayton it meant selling their house and possessions with a lifetime“s collection of memories and emotions attached to them. But the result proved
With her eye for detail and vivid descriptions, Sandra carries the reader with her through some of the Mediterranean“s loveliest islands. Charmed by tranquil anchorages, ancient harbours and the people they meet, they also develop a fascination with the sea and its wildlife. And, whilst questioning the things we value and the nature of happiness, this book reveals the growing and sometimes amusing inter-dependence of two people alone at sea.
This is the sequel to the popular
Dolphins under my Bed, which charted Sandra and David“s first long journey: a 2, 000-mile voyage from England, down the Atlantic coast and into the warm waters of the Mediterranean.