Autor: Schroder Hans-Henning Schroder

Der Autor:Dr. Dr. Michail Logvinov studierte Russistik, Pädagogik, Germanistik, Politikwissenschaft sowie Neuere und Neueste Geschichte. 2004 promovierte er in Philologie in Wolgograd und 2011 in Politikwissenschaft an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz.Der Geleitwortautor:Prof. Dr. Hans-Henning Schröder ist Leiter der Forschungsgruppe Russland/GUS im Deutschen Institut für internationale Politik und Sicherheit (Stiftung Wissenschaft & Politik) in Berlin.Der Vorwortautor:Prof. Dr. Eckhard Jesse ist Geschäftsführender Direktor des Instituts für Politikwissenschaft der Technischen Universität Chemnitz.

6 Ebooks von Schroder Hans-Henning Schroder

Heiko Pleines & Heiko Pleines: Movements, Migrants, Marginalisation
The end of socialism posed a historical challenge to European societies. The former socialist Central and East European countries were faced with what has been called a ‚triple transformation‘: …
Daniela Obradovic & Heiko Pleines: The Capacity of Central and East European Interest Groups to Participate in EU Governance
The integration of ten Central and East European countries (CEEC) into the EU as part of the 2004 and 2007 enlargements poses new challenges to EU governance, as the number of countries involved has …
Jochen Tholen & Jochen Tholen: Restructuring of the Economic Elites after State Socialism
The collapse of the former socialist states has led to the transformation of their political, economic and social systems as well as a major change in international orientations. In this context, new …
Heiko Pleines & Sabine Fischer: Crises and Conflicts in Post-Socialist Societies
Post-socialist transformations in Central and Eastern Europe have been characterised by historically shaped crises and conflicts on all levels of political, economic and societal life. Minority and …
Heiko Pleines & Julia Kusznir: Trade Unions from Post-Socialist Member States in EU Governance
The central question addressed by the papers collected in this book is whether trade unions from the post-socialist states have successfully represented their interests at the EU level. At issue is …
Michail Logvinov: Russlands Kampf gegen den internationalen Terrorismus
Obwohl Russlands sogenannte „kontraterroristische Operation in Tschetschenien“ 2009 für beendet erklärt wurde, kann von einer Entspannung der Lage im Nordkaukasus keine Rede sein. Regelmäßige …