In a world of heavy and expensive handplanes, traditional wood handplanes are affordable, light in weight, low in friction, comfortable to use, and available in a wide variety of blade angles. Author and woodworking instructor Scott Wynn has been working with this versatile tool for four decades. In Traditional Wooden Handplanes he shows you how to make, modify, restore, and use antique planes. Scott reveals how traditional wood planes work, how to set up a flea market find, and how to tune up a new plane for peak performance. You’ll learn about the different types and how to use them to their best advantage; which blade angles are best, which blade steel you might want to use, and finally, how to make your own set of planes using some modern techniques that simplify construction and improve performance.
Über den Autor
A fourth generation craftsman, Scott brings a lifetime of involvement in craft, art, and design to his work. He has a broad base of hands-on experience as a carpenter, cabinetmaker, woodcarver, luthier, building contractor, and architectural designer. Scott has maintained a professional shop providing furniture, cabinetry, and woodcarving since 1976. Author of The Woodworker’s Guide to Handplanes, he has written and illustrated articles on the craft of woodworking for Fine Homebuilding, Fine Woodworking, and Woodwork magazines.