Guido Bastianini, Istituto Papirologico „G.Vitelli“ und Universität Florenz, Italien; Michael Haslam, UCLA, USA; Herwig Maehler, Wien, Österreich; Franco Montanari, Universität Genua, Italien; Cornelia Römer, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Österreich; Serena Perrone , Universität Genua, Italien; Marco Stroppa, Istituto Papirologico „G.Vitelli“ Florenz, Italien.
3 Ebooks von Serena Perrone
Serena Perrone: Comoedia et mimus
This is a corpus that is unique in the academic world. It presents those parts of ancient Greek commentaries preserved on papyrus, that is the hypomnemata and marginalia on Greek authors, as well as …
Serena Perrone: FrC 2 Krates
This volume of the series «Fragmenta Comica» is devoted to one of the major names in the first generation of comic poets, Crates. Mentioned by Aristophanes in the Knights among his predecessors ill-t …
Guido Bastianini & Daniela Colomo: Euripides
With the Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in Papyris reperta, a unique papyrological collection is being published. The otherwise scattered publications of pieces of ancient Greek commentary written on p …