I. Alan Mintz on Agnon and Diaspora Hebraism
‚Agnon on the Individual and the Community, ‚ from Response, 1967
‚Late Agnon and the Reimagining of Galician Jew...
I. Alan Mintz on Agnon and Diaspora Hebraism
‚Agnon on the Individual and the Community, ‚ from Response, 1967
‚Late Agnon and the Reimagining of Galician Jewry‘ (Fourteenth Annual Band Lecture, UCLA, February 12, 2015)
‚My Life with Hebrew‘ (Mosaic Magazine, April 13, 2017)
II. Tributes
David Roskies, ‚A Prophet in His City‘
Anne Golomb Hoffman, ‚Remembering Alan Mintz‘
Sidra Ezrahi, ‚For Alan‘
Avidov Lipsker, The Heavenly City: A Historiographic Paradigm in the Scholastic Cartography of S.Y. Agnon
Sheila Jelen, Salvage Poetics: Agnon’s ‚Imaginary Real‘ in A Guest for the Night
Nitza Ben-Dov, Divine Compassion From an Ironic Perspective: The Experience of the Shoah in Agnon’s ‚The Sign, ‚
In his Generation
Omer Bartov, Tales From Half-Asia: Small Town Galicians Encounter the World
Wendy Zierler, ‚Breaking the Idyll‘: Rereading Flaubert’s Madame Bovary and Agnon’s Sippur pashut Through Baron’s ‚Fradl‘
Maya Barzilai, Last Translations: Gershom Scholem’s Renditions of S. Y. Agnon’s Polish Tales
Early and Late
Jeffrey Saks, From ‚A City of the Dead‘ to ‚A City in its Fullness‘: Evolving Depictions of Buczacz in the Long Agnonian Arc
Michal Arbell, Szybusz and the Crisis of Parenting‘
Glenda Abramson, ‚Our Town‘: Mr. Stern and Buczacz in Mr. Lubin’s Store
A Revolutionary Traditionalist
Haim Beer, New Faces: A Study of Sippur pashut
Ariel Hirschfeld, The Source and the Depth of Oblivion: Story and Folktale in Two Stories by Agnon
James Diamond, ‚Agnon’s Yamim Nora’im: Then and Now‘
IV. Agnon Himself
The Partners
Excerpts from The Parable and Its Lesson
Alan L. Mintz, List of Publications, Compiled by Menachem Butler (July 2020)