Critically engages the work of American philosopher Richard J. Bernstein.
The Pragmatic Century critically assesses the significance of American philosopher Richard J. Bernstein’s intellectual contributions. Written by scholars who share with Bernstein a combined interest in the American pragmatic tradition and contemporary religious thought, the essays explore such diverse topics as Bernstein’s place as an interpreter of both American and continental thought, the possibility of system building and analysis in an antimetaphysical age, the potential for theological and ethical reinterpretation in contemporary society, and much more. Included are not only responses by Bernstein to each essay, but also two new essays by Bernstein himself that orient readers to the central role pragmatism has played throughout the last century and also provide an encomium to the continuing value of democratic ideals at a time when those ideals are threatened on many different fronts.
The Pragmatic Century
Richard J. Bernstein
Theses on Bernstein
William D. Hart
Response by Richard Bernstein
Engaged Pluralism: Between Alterity and Sociality
Vincent Colapietro
Response by Richard Bernstein
Bernstein and Rorty on Justification by Faith Alone
Nancy K. Frankenberry
Response by Richard Bernstein
Being Philosophical and Having a Philosophy: Reflections to Honor Richard Bernstein
Robert C. Neville
Response by Richard Bernstein
Festive Jewish Naturalism and Richard Bernstein’s Work on Freud and Arendt
Henry S. Levinson
Response by Richard Bernstein
Richard Bernstein on the Jewish Question
Gilya G. Schmidt
Response by Richard Bernstein
Bernstein among the Prophets? Justice, Public Life, and Fallibilistic Pluralism
Mary Doak
Response by Richard Bernstein
Richard Bernstein on Democracy
Rebecca S. Chopp
Response by Richard Bernstein
Creative Democracy—The Task Still Before Us
Richard J. Bernstein
Bernstein Bibliography
About the Contributors
Über den Autor
Warren G. Frisina is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Hofstra University.